A summary of my activity on Steemit since launch till today and what I plan for the future

I have joined Steemit a few months ago already but made my self active only at the beginning of February 2018. It's a good point in time, then, to do some assessment and share with you my future plans:

  1. On the account, I have ~16,000 steems that yield an upvote power equals to 3.82$
  2. Throughout the month I have posted 30 articles (including this one), 232 comments, restreamed (unfortunately only) 3 posts and upvoted hundreds of posts and comments.
  3. I familiarized myself with peripheral supporting platforms like steemnow, steem supply, steemd, steem activity, dead followers, busy, discord, steemvoter, and a few others which I use scarcely.
  4. I received tremendous technical help from @fax4u and great tips from the members of the Israeli community. The support of some generous members of the Israeli community and beyond has been an important encouragement.
  5. In average it takes me 1.5 hours to write, review and publish one post.
  6. I am honored to be followed by 114 steemians.
  7. I am following (only) 31 steemians. Will find the time to review more profiles and follow them as well. If you have a particular reference I should look at kindly tell me.

Thank you all.

credit: pixabay

Here is a collection of all my previous posts in February, from launch day until today:
  1. I Am That I Am – David – introduction. Most upvoted post (22)
  2. A conscious look at the markets or Why am I invested in Steemit
  3. About interpreting dreams in general and types of Dreams – Introduction
  4. Dreaming about the Ex years after the separation – what does it mean?
  5. A preliminary note about the Questions and Answers that I will Post
  6. "My spouse doesn’t make any romantic gestures. Should I fight for them or just give up"" – to date, most rewarded post (81.83$)
  7. "I am so excited! I just met Leonardo DiCaprio and we made love" – dream interpretation
  8. "I am so confused. My beloved and charming husband is cheating on me in my dreams – What does it mean?"
  9. "I am still a virgin and feel stuck. Should I have sex with a friend just to open myself up?"
  10. "I hit a child and then was stubbed by a big guy" - dream interpretation
  11. Naked in front of the Universe
  12. "My boyfriend doesn’t think I am that beautiful and it makes me angry and jealous. How can I ease my feelings?"
  13. Red pill, blue pill, white pill, whatever pill – you don't need them!
  14. "Help! I was abducted to another planet!" - Dream interpretation
  15. "Inception" - Some mind-boggling concepts in this 2010 film...
  16. What does it mean to “fall in love”? How to decide if it's real? Part I/2
  17. Falling in love Part II - The Spiritual Stage of A relationship
  18. "Is it because there are too many options that I can’t fall in love with men?"
  19. Why sometimes we don't remember our dreams and 9 tips to finally help us remember!
  20. The only one thing that stands between you and love - and how you can overcome it!
  21. "I am in love with a man with many faults. Should I take a chance and marry him?"
  22. So, how do I interpret dreams and how can you too?
  23. Steemit is a platform for Masters. And you, what are you? Slaves or Masters?
  24. "Being a young and inexperienced woman how can I be certain to find my True Love among all the people on earth?"
  25. Training the muscles of your awareness - an exercise for you in dream interpretation
  26. "My girlfriend preferred her job over me so I broke up with her. Now I feel miserable - what should I do?"
  27. Bus in a dream explained + What does it mean if we have, in the real life, repeating small car accidents?
  28. "I was bothered by two of my Ex-boyfriends" – Dream interpretation
  29. "I yearn to meet my One and live happily ever after" – is the 'Twin soul' idea real or a myth?

credit: pixabay

My experience so far has been satisfactory mostly because I enjoy the freedom of expression on the platform, the discussions with the vibrant community and the ample opportunities to learn new stuff from other steemians.

The plan is to continue to publish contents in three categories:

  • Q&As from people, relating to issues of relationship, love, and spirituality;
  • Dreams interpretation and dreams related articles – aiming to encourage you to open your mind about the world behind our physical one;
  • A series of several dozens, if not more, articles under the title "A Road to Enlightenment". In these articles which will be spread throughout 2018 and probably beyond, I will describe the milestones that any person who begins to awaken may find on their way to enlightenment. It's not the ultimate truth, and definitely not the only route (hence "A road" and not "The road"), but I had seen it in many people's lives and therefore decided to describe it here, hoping it may assist some of you.

You are welcome to share your experience of my blog so far and let me know of special requests for posts (I have received some in private and will attend to them in the next weeks). Your upvotes are a great way for me to receive direct feedback. However, feel comfortable to do as you please. You are most welcome to my place here, no matter what.

So, all in all this is the plan. Stay tuned.

For what plans are worth...


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