Nicole's Real Steemit Tee x Steemit's HK Gathering #2【 妮可的Steemit T恤 x Steemit 的香港聚會】#2

Hello Steemit friends ❤️,

Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today! 🌞
Thank you for supporting me and purchasing my Steemit design tee!
You may take a look of the previous post about HK Steemit Tee Design👕
Today I would like to share about our REAL STEEMIT TEE!

感謝你們的支持和購買我的Steemit T恤!
你可以看看上一篇關於Steemit T恤設計👕
今天我想分享一下我們真正的STEEMIT T恤!


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👕 Our Final Steemit Tee 🌞

Feeling familiar with the design? Oh yes! I believe that you had seen these design in my previous post!
Finally we received our t-shirts and you may take a look! I should find a model next time, it is so embarrassing when shooting. 🙈

感覺設計有點似曾相識? 啊,對啦對啦,是的~ 我相信你在我以前的帖子看過這些設計!
我們終於收到了我們的T恤,給你看看啦!_我下次請個模特好了,叫朋友幫我拍的時候好尷尬。🙈 _

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Thank you for the First Steemit Gathering 2017AUG !



And by this chance, thank you for all of these Hong Kong Steemit's member to join our first HK gathering👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you for their gorgeous portrait! Don't miss the chance to follow them 😘😘

謝謝你們的照片吖! 不要錯過follow他們的機會😘😘






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Once again, thank you all of you. If more people would like to order our tee, we may have 2nd production too❤️
再一次謝謝你們 。 如果更多的人想訂購我們的T恤,我們可能有第二次生產❤️

Please support our HK community and the great authors here. We will continue to spread Steemit to more people in Hong Kong. 💪🏻
請支持我們香港社區和這裡的作家。 我們會繼續把Steemit 傳播給更多的香港人。💪🏻

🔁 Please reblog this post and show that Steemit is an amazing platform that you can really MAKE FRIENDS here, especially if you want Steemit can reach out to more people. 🔁

👆🏻Upvote & Follow Nicole! 👆🏻

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