3 Tips For Using Paid Upvote Bots On Steemit


What are Steemit voting bots? Should you use them? How can they help your posts? Find out three tips for using voting bots. We have got software reviews, plug-in reviews, online hints and tips, social media how-to, and lots of information about the Steemit blogging platform. So we can spread our message, grow our following, and start making money online. Today I am going to talk about Steemit voting bots. Now, this is paid upvote bots. We can find them in a cool place called Steembottracker.com. It used to be an Amazon web service but now he has his own domain name and it is thanks to @Yabapmatt. It is a cool service he has created for us to look at all of the Steemit bots that we can pay to get upvotes. Now, there are three tips that I have for you when using a bot service. But before we dive into them, we have to talk about how you can pay for these bots.


You can either pay with Steem, or steem dollars. Now It depends on the value of each. If SBD is worth $5 and Steem is worth $3, we will be paying with Steem. Because you, all your rewards come in SBD or Steem anyway based on our rewards. But basically, we send whichever currency is worthless. Because our vote value and our payout is the same no matter what. So if SBD is worth two, Steem is worth three, we will send SBD. Simple as that. That’s what we do, that’s what we can do, be more economical and more fiscally responsible for us so we can maximize our rewards. Therefore, there’s no reason we would not want to do that unless we just want to blow your money. That being said, three things.

Number one is watch the timers. So when we go to this Steembottracker, we will see all of the stuff here and there’s a spot where we can see the vote limit. So some of them have a voting of six days, some say 5, some say 2.5, some say three, some say 3.5, others are at 4. Basically, we need to pay attention to that because if our post is older than 4 days, we cannot send money to a bot that only allows posts older than or newer, within 3 days. They won’t vote on us. And if they are not automatic refund, we may have just given away our money for nothing. So pay very close attention to the time limits on the voting bots. A lot of them are now set at 3.5 days or less, which means we need to pay them to vote on our posts before they hit the 3 day mark. This is because the blockchain and the reward system has recently been changed that most of the bots that are 6 days or 5 days or some that are even 4 days, they are getting hammered. By people like Steem monitors or bots, or mods, or whomever they are. They want people to pay early on so that there is more time for their post to curate and more time for their money to get taken away if their post is not worth while. See, what was happening is a lot of people with spam posts were waiting until about day 6. Then they put like a hundred bucks on their post, get that post value up to like 150 or175, and then in 10 hours, boom! Collect the payout. And they were just robbing the heck out of this place, and they were creating really crappy posts. And it just was not worth it. So, they said, “Hey, no more of this. Anyone who uses bots that are over 3 days, we are going to red flag them, we are gonna down-vote them and take their money away”; They can do it, they will do it, so pay very close attention. I personally recommend only using bots with a 3.5 day or less, because then you know you are pretty safe. That’s what we do. There are some that are 6-dayers still that’s are okay. Use them with caution, and if we do use them, and something happens, it’s just too bad. So pay attention to the time limits.

The next thing... this is a very important point, number two: Use The calculator. There is something called a vote calculator.

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You will see it here, and you can type in anybody's bot and then type in the amount of Steem or SBD that you want to send them and it will show you a general guess of what your post payout will be. Of what their vote weight will be based on that. Now, keep in mind that this vote calculator can change, because as more people pay, or let’s say according to their dollar statistics down in this vote area, you will see that there is maybe $30 left, and their vote value is 100 or something, if that gets down to zero and more people pay that bot, then that means all the other people that paid it, they are going to give away some of their reward value to those other people that paid it. So if the body is at zero and people send money, that’s going to hurt because now there’s not enough money to be voting for that weight. So then the weight that you saw on your calculator may not, you may not get that. For this reason, this leads us to point number three.

Is never kill a bot. Now, what this means is if you see that there are $3 on a bot left, don’t just send $3, weather its Steem or SBD. I am just using dollars for simplifications. So if there’s three dollars on a bot, and you say “well let me just send three bucks to that bot”, now it goes down to zero, bad idea. Because what will happen is for you is suppose, there might be 10 other people out there that said, “you know what? I am going to wait until that gets down to one minute, until they vote. I am going to send the three bucks”; and boom. So now you have got 30 bucks going there, now everything is worthless. You will may be get a dollar in rewards, so that will not be worth it.

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Never kill a bot. Basically, what we do is if there is a bot and its got like $5 left, we typically won’t vote, or we won’t send then our money to have them vote on us. We may send like one Steem or SBD, but thats if we really need a vote or if we just want to test it out and see whats going to happen and how much we will get. But typically, if its 3 or less we never never vote on them. So we will let that be because chances are that, that bot is going to end up going negative. If its 5 or less, then maybe we will send one, but if its 3 or less, never use it . And never drain a bot to zero. So if there’s 20 on there, do not send 20. Because chances are, it will go negative, we are not going to get as big rewards as we thought. But if we use that calculator, guess our rewards, then send some money to that bot, and keep it above 3, if everybody keeps it above 3, then everybody is going to get great rewards from these bots. Because that means that you will all get full post payouts for those things. So those are the three greatest hints when using bots.

Number one is to watch the time limits on the posts. Number 2: Use the vote calculator. Number 3: never kill a bot. If you have any other tips or ideas about voting bots, please comments below. We guys can learn so much from each other and help each other out a lot because most of us are new here.

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