This is why decentralized platforms like Steemit can succeed | Youtube's blatant censorship of this artist's song shows us why platforms like Steemit and DTube are essential

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No matter which part of the political spectrum you may find yourself on, this is an indication of the outright censorship YouTube is committing. Joy Villa's song was removed from YouTube because of a supposed complaint. YouTube will not release who the complaint was from or what the grounds for the complaint were. Joy Villa is not the only person who's content has been removed from YouTube, and this is a great example of the censorship YouTube is committing.

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Here's the link to Joy Villa's twitter post and live feed happening today:

Regardless of your political views, in her song "Make America Great Again," Joy Villa communicates a message which represents an idea of social change, and called it "a love song for America." Even though she has reposted the video, she's been given a time limit to take it down.

Now obviously Joy Villa stands for something and she's very open about that, but regardless of what political views we may hold, shouldn't we all have the freedom of speech to express those views?

This is not a political post, nor am I expressing any of my own political views on any current events. The point of this post is to bring to light the censorship that YouTube is currently undergoing on many artists, and the fact that it abuses our individual human rights to freedom of speech.

See the music video here which was reposted on youtube after the take down.


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