My Journey #1 From Homeless to a Normal life

Hi all Steemit readers,

I'm new to this platform and I want to share my story about how I changed my life from being homeless to a normal life I live nowadays. As you can read in my article my English isn't that good because I didn't have any education. If you have any questions you can always contact me. I hope you enjoy my article and I hope I can inspire a lot of people that anything is possible! I'm also promoting this message on different forums and platforms to inspire people, I also created a charity for homeless people because i know how it was and I want to help as many homeless people as possible.

So first of all I became homeless when I was 18 years old. My first days were hard to survive and I really thought my life was over. When I reached 19 years there was no one and I decided I need to change my life. I don't want to be homeless my whole life. My motivation is because I always saw happy people and family's walking while I was alone even on my birthday. So from the earnings I made from begging I bought second hand clothes and I did everything to make some money so I could go to the barber for a fresh look.

After I looked normal I tried to apply for a job in different company's. I had not a success but after a while I could work as a dish cleaner in a restaurant. From that point my life changed. I worked hard for a low loan but anything is better then living on the streets. With this loan I am able to rent a little room in the city Amsterdam. During my time at my room I bought so many books to improve my intelligence. I didn't know how to write or read English and because of my passion of reading books and improving my skills I learned myself how to write and read English. Ofcourse it isn't that good but I'm happy that everybody can understand what I'm saying. I'm still living in the room and I'm still washing dishes. I have shared my story on different forums and it is amazing that i can inspire other people.

My main goal of this article is not tell a sad story no. My goal is to inspire others that everything is possible in life if you just believe in it. I became something from nothing. From begging on the streets I became now the person that lives a normal life. My advise is to set goals and go for it. Don't set back because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you fall then you step up and go for it!

I hope I inspired you with my life story and I'll post more articles about the progression of my life. I also will go for the first time in life on holidays to Spain. I'll write a blog about it. I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the bad English and grammar.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you at my new Blog!

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