Steemit just paid for Christmas!!! Thankyou to everyone!!!

I am on cloud nine right now and it is all thanks to Steemit and YOU!!!


In the past few years Christmas has been both the best and worst part of the year. It sneaks up on us and with six children to provide for it has always been a struggle financially.

New books for Master 10.

We usually wait until the paycheck just before Christmas to do our shopping. Not out of choice but necessaty. We live one week at a time financially and the rent and therapy have to come before anything else, this includes Christmas. My partner often takes a second or third job through out the year just so we can get by.


This Christmas he has taken work that means he will be away for most of the holidays. This is really tough on our children as they don't understand why he works near home some of the time and then has to go away for days on end at other times.


He has missed Birthdays and graduations. He has missed Christmas concerts and parties all to provide for us. I often feel like I'm letting the team down as I just don't have the time to work and look after all of the kids.

Then over the last couple of weeks the price of SBD has risen. Little by little it is going up. Now I don't have a huge wallet. There are no massive amounts of floating around. But every little bit adds up, and last week I was able to receive $280 Australian dollars.


That is a huge amount of money for us. It was more than enough to start my Christmas shopping early, that alone was a bonus as I hate having to rush around in the last few days leading up to Christmas.


Then today I did another transfer and i will be receiving $580 Australian dollars! I nearly fainted when I saw the transfer amount. It's like a Christmas miracle and it's all thanks to the love and support I get here on Steemit.


Because of all of you reading and voting on my posts I am about to have have my first Christmas in 6 years where I won't have to borrow money to get through. My first Christmas without having to race to the shops and only buy toys and cloths with a discount tag on them. So Thankyou from the bottom of my heart THANKYOU.


This will also be the first Christmas that my children will recieve more than one thing on their list to Santa!!! That is just amazing!!!

To say I'm happy is a complete understatement.

I joined Steemit thanks to my sister @krystle and her partner @ausbitbank. Without their constant hounding and persistent nagging that this was the place I should be sharing my journey instead of Facebook. I wouldn't be in the position I am in now. So thank you guys, you have changed my life.


This platform has not only become a way for me to financially contribute to my household but also a way to share and learn. To see art and read poetry. To have open conversations about Autism and children's development with so many different people who are also on the same page as me. I have learnt so many things and developed new interests and hobbies.

I am so blessed to be here and to be able to share this with all of you!

Every present in the above photos was brought using money I earned here on Steemit. I will be sure to post on Christmas Day so you can all see the joy this platform has brought to my children!

Thankyou for reading.


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