5 Facts About Space That Will Fear You

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Stemian......!


Space, the final frontier. There is still very little that we really understand about the vast universe we live in. (Check out our list of 5 Mystery Wriggles from Outer Space That Will Leave You Confused if you're curious to see some of what scientists are still trying to figure out.)
However, what we know is that the room is very obviously trying our best to kill us all. From lethal radiation to super-star explosions, galaxies are dangerous enough to make the bravest (or craziest) astronauts think twice before deciding to get out of a good protective atmosphere. However, humanity is determined to go out and explore the cosmos, so just to make sure we know exactly what we are facing, quoted from curiosity.

Big Crunch / Big Rip

Everything has to end, but will there be the end of everything? Scientists agree that there will likely be a decisive end to the universe, but how it will happen is uncertain. One theory holds that there will be a great crunch, where the force of gravity in the universe will reach its limits and cause the entire universe to stop growing and fold back on itself, eventually reassembling into an infinitesimal little point before it disappears. into nothingness. Another theory, known as the great rip, states that the universe will develop to the extent that gravity loses all meaning and the cosmos is completely falling apart; Even the particles in the atoms eventually float with each other. To be honest we can not decide which is more terrible.


There is no air in space, obviously; However, it implies more danger than just having to hold your breath for a long time. The human body is adjusted to the atmospheric pressure on Earth, therefore when you board an airplane or pass a mountain road, you may experience an explosion in your ear. In a vacuum, there is no air pressure. In stepping out of your spaceship, all the water in your body will boil and evaporate, growing rapidly until you appear like a balloon too much.

Solar Flares

Although sometimes sunburned, our Sun has given us warmth and light for billions of years. However, do not let our local star trick you. Our sun is a wonderful incandescent plasma miasma that can spray randomly of randomly exposed solar radiation. Although they may not directly endanger life on Earth, this solar beacon can create electromagnetic pulses that remove power lines, disrupt radio communications, and make technology illegitimate.

Star Hypervelocity

Thinking of being the result of a close encounter with a black hole, the highly hypervelocity stars are the stars that have been ejected from their system and sent gliding through intergalactic space at speeds of up to 2 million miles per hour. Although most of the hypervelocity stars we have identified so far have the same size and mass as the Sun, theoretically can have sizes and reach more incredible speeds.

Widening Time

Imagine an astronaut traveling through space at speed near a lamp. Now imagine someone standing on Earth. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, astronauts will experience time much slower than people who do not move though will not feel any difference in the time that passes around them. When the astronaut finally returns home, even though he has been in the earth since he left, he will only be a small part of that time. This is known as the widening of time, and although we have not yet developed a technology that allows us to move humans at a speed fast enough to pay attention to its effects, we have seen the example of studying high-speed particles in the laboratory...

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