Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Youth At A Time

Puerto Rico has a unique opportunity to turn ongoing hurricane recovery into triumph. Yet, this will only occur if Island officials make proper investments and a commitment to its people. Mounting debt and a poorly-managed electrical power infrastructure have plagued Puerto Rico over the last few years. However, it is the lack of resilience plans and an inability to launch a future “state” vision that could literally cause the island to sink.

The citizens of Puerto Rico are working hard to overcome the economic, social, and emotional aftermath left behind after Hurricane Maria slammed the island in September 2017. The storm blew back the covers and revealed a lush paradise unable to sustain itself. The global spotlight on the island illuminated high unemployment rates, national debt, and an uncertain business environment. It also revealed the Puerto Rican government’s failure to invest in its people and build preparedness systems.

While the hurricane’s destruction resulted in financial loss, Puerto Rico now has an opportunity to evaluate and rebuild political and mechanical systems. The most important aspects of this rebuild relate to civil response strategies and programs that incorporate every person into Puerto Rico’s plans for economic growth. Real resilience requires an ability of the citizens to help themselves when critical functions are disabled. By investing in these strategies, the financial loss is minimized when a catastrophe does occur. It will also assure businesses and the trained workforce aren’t so quick to leave the island for new lives elsewhere.

The citizens now believe they can overcome anything. The Government should use this as an advantage. There are people on the island who have been without power for over five months. Implementing a regimen of training, civil exercise, and highlighting the heroes of the storm will show citizens the government believes in them. This simple approach to leadership will also make the people believe in their government.

Puerto Rico can become an example to all challenged communities across the world if the government funnels the fortitude of their people into practices and expectations that enable. For Puerto Rico, it is not a matter of “if” - but “when” the next catastrophe will occur. Like Puerto Rico, many nations are searching for solutions to an expectation of an impoverished future. This includes desperate neighborhoods across the continental United States. Puerto Rico can take a leadership role and develop a model other impoverished nations and poverty-stricken communities will all want to emulate.

The similarities between Puerto Rico and these nations/communities are stark. They all have few economic development opportunities, high unemployment rates, and prideful people. However, Puerto Rico has assets to use as a springboard and launch its citizens towards a prosperous future. The island has fertile soil, accessible ports, an abundance of sun, and a host of potential mentors for their young citizens. The island just lacks a vision.

Puerto Rico must use their former US military personnel, trained professionals and experienced engineers to grow a younger population into strong resilient adults. The island has served a critical role in the lives of millions of people across the world and it now can do the same for its people. Most Americans are familiar with brand names like Humira, Xarelto, and Saline but have no knowledge these brands and 13 of the world’s other top-selling brand-name drugs are Puerto Rican exports. “Unknowns” about the island, illuminated by news coverage, has taught us all. Mainly, we learned that critical manufactures were being supplied with power from their electric power company (PREPA), that is billions of dollars in debt. This is a formula for disaster even for an island without risk of hurricanes.

Power grid restoration is ongoing in Puerto Rico. The development of response plans and the building of next-generation infrastructure should also be taking place. It is clear this rebuilding process must include educating youth and equipping them with tools and knowledge necessary for future success. Teaching the youth some techniques for identifying their value to the island and teaching them to create value from the few assets they may have, is paramount. Financial resources or a college degree does not necessarily define a person’s worth. Growth often comes from experience and by overcoming trying circumstances. Many young Puerto Ricans now have an experience you can’t teach.

The youth of Puerto Rico represent the fuel to launch new technologies supporting the manufacturing of next-generation communications, driverless cars, and Nano-technologies. Training and developing young adults will be critical to creating an economy that is not dependent upon aid in the face of minor adversity.

Some of the billions of dollars Puerto Rico receives in U.S. aid should be earmarked for arming young adults with technical skills for roles in healthcare, cybersecurity, and renewable energy-based infrastructure. Internships should lay the path for youth to move them from inhabitant to contributing citizen. Puerto Rico’s unemployment rate for youths ages 15-24 is 24.29%, signaling that the next catastrophe may be incubating in the shadows of Hurricane Maria.

A new model that inspires and builds pride, as well as opportunity for economic growth, will assure Puerto Rico is resilient. Pouring more money into a failed bureaucracy and corrupt systems is the not the answer. If cultured correctly, the Puerto Rico success story could be replicated and will spread with the velocity and power of a hurricane. I invite Puerto Rico’s Governor to reach out to me with the speed he reached to Elon Musk for Mr. Musk’s ideas on power restoration. The real power is in building a united and trained people.

Resilience must become a staple of all new economic development. Island inhabitants at both the political level and community level ought to pause and immediately turn their attention to the island’s lack of community connectivity and civil response strategy. With Hurricane season two months away, it would be foolish not to do so.

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