The booty is back!

Hey Steeeemmm!

I don’t know where to begin since I left off. I got a job and then had 2 and they both took over my time and I stopped making time to post. I think having a better method to posting would benefit me into posting more often. I am no writer so just stirring up something to write about is such a challenge and knowing how to keep content going. I mean it’s not as if I don’t have a ton of crap to write about it’s more about where the fuck do I begin?

So let’s begin with what I originally posted about! Stunting! I haven’t given up and actually was able to get a hitch & trailer for my car! Learning how to pull my bike out of the wheel chock wasn’t easy. I’ve been going to the gym to get stronger because I realized how much strength I need since I am doing all of the loading/unloading. Pic below is a quick selfie after I noticed I've slimmed down a lot! Feel great and stronger now!

My worst crash occurred in February where I came down and hit my head. My helmet shows a scuff on the face because I tumbled over after I fell. I forced myself up and hit the kill switch on the bike and picked her up. I was not okay and shouldn’t have tried to play it off. I was really hurt and couldn’t walk properly after. I had to ride home too and that was the sucky part. Pic below of helmet and my side from crash.

Since then I have kept crashing but I don’t stay on my bike at the lot long. I get off take a break and chat and fuck around. I am not ready like I want to be and recently was able to get a 50 pit bike to learn on. I have been riding it for maybe 2 days and it is teaching me a lot about body positioning, throttle control and USING that rear brake. Major keys for stunting big bike! Pic of little 50 below

The 2nd hardest crash was where I landed right on my left ass cheek. I couldn’t even move when I got up but still picked her up and road to the car. Took a break at my car and got back on. It's a huge mind fuck of a sport when you crash and you don't get back on you set yourself back. Although I had some drama at the lot and I will now being going by myself. I will touch on that in my next post.

Thanks for sticking with me and hello to any new peeps following my stuff! Feel free to ask any questions about my bikes/hobbies. I look forward to making a comeback to the Steem community <3

Much love!

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