Steemit meetup & Motorcycle probs

The good news first! I got to participate in the video that @kommienezuspadt is doing and was fun to meet local steemers! After we all hung out yesterday then I went home to take care of a few things and of course wheelie!

We went to a bonfire that night and that was really nice. I loved getting to know everyone personality and at the end of the night @lovejoy asked a few funny super power questions and I really had a great time! My favorite way to hang out now is just spending quality time with like minded individuals! Pic below is me and @vermillionfox she is soooooo adorable and so encouraging when it comes to my drawings!! I will make an art post soon <3

I was able to go home before the bonefire and I found out my sticky back phone case sticks very well on my car to get video of me doing wheelies on the xr50. Unfortunately, I could not get it today on the bike. I kept losing control, tire was slipping etc! Well my rear tire is flat ughhhh swear it never ends! Always something :/

Least I rode since Sunday – Friday well.. tried to but now I need to fix it. I think it’s time to put my big girl panties on and go try big bike Sunday. Since I am still leery of everyone and upset how it all went down that day. I decided that I will go early before anyone shows up and then if I get hurt my friend R1 is on call via text since he lives only 10min away from the lot. I am nervous but I know I need to do this. I will document tomorrow er today technically.

I have a lot going on especially with my motorcycles errgh. My F4i stunt bike needs the brakes to be bled, yellow bike needs oil change and forks done, and now 50 needs a new tube maybe for the tire. So much going on and I just want to wheelie! I feel so behind everyone else at the lot and really want balance point idle wheelies to click in my head.

I will keep posting my progress, attempts, fixing shiet and what not! Still can not believe how long it took before I realized that tire was flat... lmao WOW! [facepalm] I always forget to check my bikes before I ride them.

Also, I should intro my bikes to you all! I need to name the 50 yet and then I can do a intro post on each of them and how/why I acquired them <3

I don't mean to post so late but my days get wrapped up in soooo many things! I will post tomorrow in the afternoon since I will go to the lot in the morning!
xoxo Moony

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