OAS cancels Maduro elections

Hello community, it seems that the UN is realizing that in Venezuela the situation is very imustainable, and is trying to reestablish the lost costitutional thread some time ago challenging the dictator to carry out the proposed election fraud for the end of next April.
The problem is that I should do this with the elections for the constituent national assembly, because this together the supreme court of justice is on any power constituted. What I mean by this is that if the president loses the elections, the next elected president would be at the mercy of the decisions of the ANC and the tribunal. In other words, the new president who would certainly take office nine months later would be subject to the rules and laws issued by the two bodies created by the fraudulently mature, in the same way they are asking that in the same presidential election the election of a new parliament be made violating the constitution and eliminating the elected at the end of 2015 with a broad opposition majority.!

Ladies and gentlemen, our country is a hotbed that is about to explode and that is a sad situation since it would bring a lot of bloodshed HELP US TO SHARE THIS MESSAGE!!! REESTEEMEAR AND VOTE... THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT...

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