Am neither a preacher or a Minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but one thing i do know, is that am a believer and i know who i am in Christ Jesus. I just need to tell us the amazing beauty and beneifts that comes with Holiness.


Ministers and Christians who ignore or object the holiness message do not know how much God loves holiness and righteousness, and how much he blesses and pampers his children who fear him and truely and sincerely aspiring to attain unto holiness and perfection. God does not wait until one becomes bfore he starts the pampering.

The moment he sees the desire the, hunger, the desperation, the sincerity, the agonizing prayer for holiness and for total freedom from sin, he starts the pampering, even when one is not yet perfect.

The blesing is Psalm.91:14-16 starts, the moments one sets one's love upon God and upon his righteousness.

Becuase, he has set his love upon me, therefore i will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call upon me, and i will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him my salvation.


Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need


Holiness is beautiful, as the Scripture says.

Give to the LORD the glory due to his name; Bring an offering, and come before him. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of his holiness

1 Chronicles.16:29

When God sees that you truely love him, can give up anything for his sake, and that you desire to obey him and please him in all things, you become his friend. You hear his loving voice; he talks to you as your friend.

His voice is so intimate. I know from experience that this is real. Today, the lord faithfully fulfills the promise he gave us in the Gospel of john:

He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved my Father, and i will love him, and manifest myself to him. "Judas (not Iscariot) said to him,"Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?" Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him


Holiness brings peace, as one is free of condemnation. Apostle paul refers to this as a conscience that is void of offense towards God and towards all men (Acts.24;16).

The guilt that sin bring is great toture, even when one tries to cover it or jutify it's actions, since our inner-man, our spirit-man, is created in the image and likeness of God.

Holiness brings honour. When people know that your are a person of integrity, that you fear God, love God and that you are eternity-driven, they honour you, they trust you, and they don't ever doubt you or your integrity.

They know that what is driving you and prompting your action is far more than earthly things, and that you have a set standard for yourself that is far higher than human and worldly standard.

Even those that persecute you, ignore you and get uneasy with you around, will speak well of you on certain occasions, as far s the issue of righteousness is concerned.

Holinesss strengthens Faith. One approaches God with boldness and confidence, not becasue he or she has become perfect, but because one has a blameless heart, deep hunger and thirst for God's righteousness, and a conscience that is void of offense towards God and man.

Holiness helps one to boldly approach the Throne of grace. Sin kills and weakens faith, even when one tries to justify it. Sinning and confessing and going back to sin and confessing- regularly proceeding in that viciuous cycle-does not help faith at all.

One will know that one is deceiving oneself, that God cannot be mocked. Untill one breaks through from the yoke of sin, faith will always be weakened and hampered. A congregation that recieves the holiness meassages and emphasis regualrly will experience and enjoy the beauty and power of holiness abundantly.

Most of the problems we have in the church today spring from our rejection of the holiness meassage and the exclusive focus on earth-bound messages. In churches that focus on holiness, righteousness and clamour are greatly reduced.

Cases of disagreements centering on financial issues are rare. Arrogance is limited and brethren relate with one another with mutual respect, with fear and trembling.

Relationships are not perfect because of the human nature, but people allow the Holy Spirit to set limit on how far you can go when you have disagreement with anybody.

Holiness is a beauty to behold, it uplifts a nation and set one on the right path to an accomplished and fulfilled destiny.

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