Time to Call the Reaper - Spring Cleaning.... my follows

As I wade through my feed lately I wonder who half of the people I am following are. So it must be time for Spring Cleaning.

Actually, I know exactly where all of these follows came from. I followed a whole slew of new Steemians over time hoping that Curieable content would come up in my feed so I didn't have to go searching for it. But over time those people have either proven to be shitposters, outgrown Curie eligibility, or just disappeared.

The other part of my feed I need to cull out is some of the whales and orcas I followed when I just got started in hopes that I would get their attention and get a follow. In a few instances, this worked and I made some relationships with a few dolphins, but for the most part I am following a bunch of people I was never particularly interested in other than as a possible way to increase my exposure on the platform.

I've managed to build up the list of people I follow to a whopping 449. Some people may see this as a low number, but to me this is more than double what I think I can keep up with. So the goal is to spend the next couple of days removing some of the follows I have out there in hopes that my Feed becomes more manageable for me to find content that actually interests me.

This post serves as advance notice that if I unfollow you, it isn't anything personal. It's just spring cleaning. Honestly, I doubt most of these people I am going to unfollow will even notice. If I happen to unfollow you and you notice, feel free to reach out to me for reconsideration. I'm happy to take a second look.

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