What the Hell? A Fucking Rant by Michael David

What the Hell?
A Fucking Rant
by Michael David

Ok, so as a test to see if I can get a post to stick finally, i'm sharing a rant instead of an inspiration.



What the hell just happened to Steemit?

One day I'm posting away, keeping up my momentum and the next I can't post or reply for shit?!

What has been happening around here the past couple weeks?

It already takes me 2 hrs to write a decent post. There is no way I'm going to spend 4+ on it, or better yet have it not post at all after all that work.

So I was turned onto steemitstage.com. I was told it worked better.

People also told me to use busy.org.

What the fuck!! I'm on steemit damn it!

Ok, so I have been holding this in for quite a while. For those of you responsible parties that I piss off with this, great! Maybe now you will get off your ass and change shit!

I get that there is an immense amount of work to build this site but at this point that is just a crutch.

There are massive, coding intense websites all over the web that work properly.

It's bad enough that no matter what you want to do here you have to read pieces and parts from people that are not associated with the site and try to fit this ridiculous puzzle together only to find out that you read the wrong post and the one you wanted was buried in feed 8 months ago then changed without anyone knowing because there is no way to know when it does.

Oh wait, i'm sure that function is a damn app or extension or new fucking website I have to log into that I can lose track of in the 1000 other websites that I have to log into to make this site function correctly.

It's no wonder we can't keep the price of steem over $1 lately.

If I want to talk to someone efficiently I have to use an entirely different solution completely dissociated with steemit.

If I want to know if I was mentioned (tagged) I need to get an extension or pay minnowbooster to let me know by email.

If I want to sort out anything at all on this site I have to....

Oh wait, you fucking can't sort shit!

There is literally no customer service.

One of the first things anyone learns in business is to use what has worked for other businesses before and add your twist onto that. You don't reinvent the wheel unless it is making it better and even then it is super risky! You fucking take components from what has worked in the past with other people in the field and fucking use them with your brilliant idea!

It's like steemit stepped off a bus in the seventies and heard the word social site for the first time and said "I can do that man, I think, once I come down I'll get right on it." Only to find out the internet had not been invented yet and they were really just having a bad trip.

Or maybe they are coding blindfolded, I suppose that is a more likely option.

I'm going to say this as simply as I can:

If you want the masses to use Steemit you have to make it user friendly!!!!!

There is nothing user friendly about this platform at all and to top it off people can rob you without blinking and it randomly just doesn't work.

Now, you can tell me the many reasons why this or that ridiculous thing happened or is happening...

We got hit by....

We are working on.....

We don't know why....

These are all just fucking excuses.


Ok, now that I have ranted thoroughly I'm going to list very plainly a few things that could bring steemit into the 21st century.

  1. All communications should be here, on the site. Just like, yes I'm about to curse, Facebook. OMG he said Facebook! What the fuck! Ban him from the site and burn his page! Well it's fucking true so get over it.

    • Mentions
    • PM's
    • Comments
    • Replies
    • Anything else that is associated with your username at all.
      They should all be at the top of the page contained in buttons or a simple drop down. Not a seperate thing like discord or steemit chat. BUILT IN LIKE ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!!
  2. FILTERS, FILTERS FOR FUCK SAKE FILTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Every site on the internet that has lists of any kind at all and was not built by someones grandmother's cat has fucking filters built into their damn lists! All of them!
    • Filters that sort by things like: Time, relevance, user, following/not following, picture/no picture, title, categories, etc...
    • As many different relevant filters as possible so we can actually find the shit we are looking for.
  3. A functioning search in lists.

    • If I'm looking at any list, whether it is feed, replies, comments or anything else, I should be able to search that list to find something.
    • Even with a properly functioning set of filters no one wants to comb through shit. We want to type in pappa pepper finds his dog and see the fucking post about him finding his goddamn dog!
  4. Resteems should have it's own tab on our pages.

    • Look, we all know that resteeming can help someone grow by getting their post out to more people. Personally I won't resteem things because as a writer I can't have my page all cluttered up with random shit. I want people to see and be able to navigate my stuff on my page and the resteems could be me showing things i'm either interested in or supportive of. This really sucks because there are a lot of people whose stuff I would like to support and help to get them seen.
  5. A clear set of fucking rules.

    • There are a lot of controversial topics here on steemit. Many of them center on the use of your upvote power for example. This guys opinion vs that guys opinion.
    • The truth is this type of shit should not be left up to opinion. This should have been decided by the team building the site and fed to us as a clear set of rules.
    • A great example of this is self upvoting. I could rant for days about this but will keep this very concise.
      a. When you give a checkbox that asks if you want to upvote your post during creation you are inviting self upvoting.
      b. If the site itself has not clearly established a categorical rule on the topic then they are freely allowing it.. Period.
      c. Since it is being allowed, by the site by not making rules against it, now we have a new form of cyber bullying. @sadkitten, @fuckyourselfkitten and @lickapussy bots are literally taking money away from people for doing something they deem abuse that the site itself does not. (If it did there would be a fucking rule and better yet they simply would not allow you to do it in the first place.)
      d. By not making a clear rule here the site has effectively produced self appointed police (vigilantes) with their own agendas. These cyber bullies are not just flagging people but stripping their rewards for something the site has not said is wrong... Isn't that wrong? Should I build a search and destroy bot that specifically targets these bots and robs them as well? Anyway, that brings me to my next point:
  6. Downvoting.

    • Look, we can all agree that plagiarized shit and spam suck.
    • The way downvoting is set up anyone with more sp than you and a bone to pick can come and strip your rewards away. Better yet they can hit you hard enough to start ruining your rep and leave you with negative scores.
    • This is soooooooooooooooo not right! It's fucking cyber bullying on a whole other level!
    • If I had 5 million dollars right now and bought all of it in steem today at .94, I would have 5,319,148.936170213 steem. With that much steem I could start fucking with nearly any account on this platform. I could ruin nearly anyone. I could just mosey about downvoting good shit just because I was bored.
    • Does this seem like an unreasonable idea to you? Look around you. There are accounts already doing this in the name of righteousness. Because they think someones posts are copy pasted but have not taken the time to scroll down to actually see if it is.
    • What this is effectively creating is a hierarchy of high sp accounts that can selfishly "shape" us smaller accounts any way they please. It literally strips our cyber freedom away. We now have to walk on eggshells when around these larger accounts for fear that if we say something they don't like they will ruin our account.
    • Downvoting cannot be as easily destructive as it is. So long as its power is based in SP count this system is drastically flawed.
  7. We should not have to rely on oustide apps and websites to make this one function correctly.

    • Outside apps can be really cool ok, my point is that we should not have to search them out and rely on them.
    • Basic and advanced functionality of this site should all be here on the site.
    • So, if someone has created a cool thing to help the platform, team up with them and use it. If you can't team up with them then fucking use it anyway. Build steemit's version of it and add it in. This is just how business is done.
  8. Format and Structure:

    • We get paid for upvotes on posts created
    • Unless you are upvoted by someone with high sp and rep early you will never be seen.
    • To get on hot and trending tabs you need to have high upvotes and upvotes from people with high sp and rep early into your post being listed.
    • If you are not seen someone with lots of sp is not likely to vote on you.
    • Without high sp voters you make no money.
    • Curation rewards make it so that people that have high sp are the only ones that can really benefit from them.
    • In order to benefit from curation rewards you have to vote on posts that will make more money.
    • People follow money... Period.
    • You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Unless you schmooze with some high sp accounts you are not likely to get votes that are worth a shit. The average high sp voter wants to make curation rewards and will bypass your post no matter how good it is. So, you either get lucky or kiss someones ass that has a lot of sp.
    • I've talked to several people that claim to have gotten "organic" votes that make them decent payouts but after talking with them more what really happened is that they schmoozed with the right people and are now on those peoples voting lists, normally there was some type of compensation also. Compensations include: payment, trade, work or simply being buddies.
    • Am I saying you will never get noticed? Definitely not. What i'm saying is that the site is incentivising people to overlook you until you are making enough to be looked at and since they are incentivised to do so making enough has become improbable. Leaving you swimming helplessly waiting for some charity worker to come and start the ball rolling for you. Or, for you to go try your hand at schmoozing the big fish.
    • My point is simple... This is such an unfair and unnatural way of becoming noticed that it is basically pushing some people to try lower integrity forms of making it on the platform. People that normally would not be spammers or open multiple accounts or do any of these other grey area things are doing them because they feel they have no choice. This format is literally creating a defeatist mentality in many people. Many of them choose to either leave or cheat.
    • Many of us on this platform don't have the time to go begging for scraps from the big fish and we also should not have to. There needs to be a much more fair way of getting noticed. The structure needs to change in a way that incentivises curators to give a shit about posts that aren't making money but are good posts. As of now there are only a handful of people that seek out these posts as it does not benefit them to do so.
  9. Lastly, get some real customer fucking service!

There are several other things I feel could change around here. What I've mentioned here are things that should have been built in from the start.

"Dude, we are only in beta man, loosen up. It will get better."

Fuck off ok?! Beta, Alpha, I don't care what stage a site is in these are basic parameters that should have been built in from day one. You don't launch a site built on lists and then throw everything into a pile of shit and expect everyone to sort through it or build their own addons to do so.

You don't build a site that users have to tell users how to fail, excuse me, use the damn thing. That shit is not up to us. It is the responsibility of the team that created this mess.

So, @steemteam, @buildteam, @fuckyourselfteam, @ishouldnothavetodigtofindoutteam I really don't care who the fuck you are, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER OR THIS SHIP IS GOING TO SINK!!!

Ok, so for all of you that are about to leave a comment telling me all the excuses the site has.... Fuck off, I'm sick of excuses.

For those of you about to try to be helpful and tell me about the latest app or website that helps some of the above mentioned shit... Fuck off it should all be built in and you know it.

For those of you that are offended that I am cursing so much... Fuck off, why did you keep reading?

For those of you that just want to argue... Fuck off, fuck yourself, fuck a dog, fuck your mom, build a @fuckawhale bot for all I care just leave me alone because I really have no energy for your counterproductive bullshit.

For those of you that know what I'm talking about... Great! At least someone is paying attention.

For those of you with all kinds of ideas you want to share about how you feel this site could be better... Feel free but understand that this post along with your comment is about to be lost in the fucked up feed abyss forever and that nothing will be done about it. If it really makes you feel better to post it then by all means I'm happy to give you a canvas.

For those of you that are part of building this shitpile and are pissed at me or my post... Just take some of the above rant as advice and fix this shit. These are real issues that really need addressed. I do like steemit and have given so much to this site which is exactly why I am so pissed now. I really don't want to hear your arguments or excuses. Use that anger to do your fucking job with a newfound enthusiasm and I along with so many will soon be thanking you instead of ranting. Problem solved.

Anyone who happened to enjoy this must be as upset as I am at this site. Will it stop us from using it? Not likely, yet anyway.

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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