I GOT SPAMMED BY LOVE and offered STEEMIT in return!

A few days ago, I started to receive some strange mobile phone text messages from random people.

I have no idea who the heck these folks were.

The messages were not any advertising, but surprisingly were messages of love and encouragement. This would not be strange if they had not been sent by complete strangers!

Perhaps my phone number got added to some Pay-it-Forward chain mail list?

I was impressed by the creativity and insight in the messages, so I offered a better place to write such beautiful messages instead of wasting them on me!

Hopefully, they set up a Steemit account right away! Perhaps they are already among us, writing messages of love, hope, and encouragement!

Imagine if they made $1,000 on their Introductory post like many people have done before, and can now pay their rent!

Or, better yet, they were sending out random texts to me because they were unemployed, but now they work for themselves as Steemian bloggers!

If they text me again, I will post an ending to this odd but fun story.

Pay it forward!

Image Credit: PublicDomainPictures

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My Blog: (http://www.michaeladamparis.com)
Thank you all for your support and encouragement.

Follow me @michaeladamparis

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