
Day by day we can see the difference at relationships between people.

Wherever we look we see abuse, disregard, fights... And things like that. The worst is we can see such bad things in families, relatives, in the group of relative friends. Day by day it is worse.

We can see fights between religious groups, as we saw on news last weeks about New Zelland. At the same time so many people killed in 2 different mosques.

We can also see fights between countries which are relativefor so long years. Like we saw on news the fights between Russia and Ukraine, between India and Pakistan, between Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Even we can see leaders fight against his country, as we see on news, Syria. So many people died there by conflicts between some against group and army of the country.

From the small area of people to countries, we see conflicts, people die, loose their family, friends..
So the question is, where does humanity go?

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