What the fuck am I supposed to do to get people to join Steemit?!

I haven't created any valuable posts in a while and this one probably won't be one either. It's more of a rant post. I must admit that I feel frustrated and I am in a bad mood right now. You may ask, why?

I spent the last 2 weeks promoting Steemit and the results are just horrible. Of all the people that I have talked to only four friends joined Steemit. The first one never posted, upvoted or commented. The second one created only one post and tried to delete it after the post was already paid out. I tried to explain that it's not possible and that it's due to blockchain technology. We probably won't see a second post.

The third friend got me really excited. Her first post was IMHO a success and she managed to get from a reputation of 25 to 39, 22 followers and over 50 encouraging comments in just 2 hours! I helped with explanations, account creation, post creation and promotion on steemit, reddit and my own god damn facebook account. It only got her 9 SBD but it's a great start! So what happend next? She created a second post, a cross post from her instagram feed. A few minutes after posting she complained that nobody is upvoting it and deleted the post and created the exact same post again with other tags. That post didn't get much attention either and therefore she quit steemit. I felt really bad because I put a lot of effort in convincing and mostly in helping her. So many hours just wasted.

The only one left is my bro @bozo. He listens and he appreciates my suggestions, my help and all the work I put into our friendship. To him my words and deeds are valuable and I really appreciate his trust in me. We realized that we're great as a team and therefore have huge and amazing plans for the future. A while ago we decided that, no matter what business we have in the future, we would fund reforestation in Ethiopia by hiring locals to plant trees. We even planed to build schools, roads and connect people to clean water if our business is successful enough. After joining Steemit I had the idea to invite Eden Projects to help them fund reforestation in Africa until I and bozo are successful. You can read in my progress reports how that went.

A long while ago I realized that people are annoyed by other peoples suggestions to watch this or read that because in the end it's just another god damn cute cat video. People get linked in posts on Facebook constantly or get links thrown at them in Whatsapp that have no real value to them. They started ignoring it as did I. I tried really hard to change that and only send people stuff I thought would be valuable to them(I fail sometimes). Whenever someone sends me a article or video that might be valuable to me I watch it or read it and give feedback. If it's a cat video I ignore it. Sadly not many people realize that I want to help and pretty much ignore me.

Getting ignored hurts, especially if you are ignored by friends. Not getting taken seriously constantly feels bad too. I am not really sure what to do about it right now hence my frustration.

I guess I have to add that this is not purely about Steemit and friends not joining it. As I mentioned earlier this happens with other stuff constantly. I don't know, maybe this my fault somehow.

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