How to Damage your Steemit Reputation at Light Speed, turn into a Cat and move to Planet Mars - A True Story


As I was browsing my feed earlier today, July 27th, I stumbled upon a post of an interesting steemian I am following @kafkanarchy84. The title got me curious enough so I went ahead, opened it and decided to give it a read.

Basically, what I learned from the post was that @kafkanarchy84 was a victim of impersonation on the steem chat. The impersonator was abusing people using his new identity and causing all sorts of problems to @kafkanarchy84. After a delicate Holmesian investigation, @kafkanarchy84 was able to brilliantly spot the abuser's identity.

It happened to be a certain @bilalhaider.

@kafkanarchy84 then quickly reacted with the post and decided to give @bilalhaider a chance to admit his wrong doings and requested a public apology. For some reason, the impersonator decided to make things difficult and continued denying the accusations, even though, @kafkanarchy84 provided undeniable proof that point directly to his involvement.

The abuser went for hours of denial even though he had the option to get out of the situation with less damage than it turned out to be. After a long wait, the abused steemian took matters in his own hands as he taught the young men a lesson by damaging his reputation through flagging.

@bilalhaider went from a minimum of 46 reputation:

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to a 9 in a very short period of time, as other steemians joined in the cause.

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@bilalhaider ended up making a post where he explains the reasons for his actions and blamed cultural differences in a non-sensical camouflaged apology. He then decided to quickly change the content of the post to this other non-sense:

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And yes he did use abuse as a tag.
And yes as I am writing this he also dropped 3 reputation points

After declaring his love for cats, he went ahead and decided to turn into one, got himself a proper name "Crazy Dude" all that before moving to Mars where cats are worshipped, it seems.


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After all, this is what @bilalhaider had to say about @bilalhaider when he was still Bilal:

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For more details please follow the link to @kafkanarchy84 's original post:

Also @tecnosgirl 's experience

Thanks for reading,

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