Satanism and pornography in Disney


In Disney cartoons we can find many ,,discreet" pictures of, for example, naked womens or words like sex and so on. If you don't know what am I talking about find it on YouTube, there are many videos about it. It is said that they are brainwashing us by dooing that. For example there are three well hidden numbers 6 in Disney logo and three 6 are representing devil or something. In newer Disney cartoons thete are well hidden illuminati triangles. Unconnected with Disney, there are frames in some Justin Bieber songs where there are messages like ,,Bush did 911" or ,,Kill the poor" and so on. There are very many examples of things like this.

My question is: why are they dooing that? Most of the people who heard about this think that it is true that they are brainwashing us by dooing that but that's not the only possibility, they could do that to make people investigate that cind of stuff and waiste their time or to scare them because people are easily controlled while afraid (there are many messages in frames of some songs saying that the world will end soon) . Or maybe someone is dooing those things for fun, who knows. What do you think?

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