Black Holes

Everthing has an opposite, you agree? So what's the opposite of a blackhole, a whitehole? Energy can never be destoyed, so where does it go? Everything that makes everything compressed into nothingness - only to be thrown out the other side. And another universe is born. Think about it. The spilliage (mostly dark matter) entering the new space/universe from the blackhole would make the other universe expand. There may be some truth to the big bang theory after all... the collaspe of a star/start of a blackhole would no doubt be a bright bang coming into existence.

Read about the MECO (Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object). Rudy Schild, established astrophysicist, has been championing this theory for years. This may soon replace and debunk the current theory of blackholes. Unfortunately Rudy doesn't always play nice with academia so he has met lots of opposition. His math is his proof but not many can understand such high level math.

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