Bitcoin bid to buy Steem Numbers in a sideways pattern ((( NEED TO BREAK ABOVE 98 )))

🐒 The amount of Bitcoin bid to buy Steem at Bittrex and Poloniex this morning when I took this reading at 7:00 AM EST and the combined figure was 53 Bitcoins and the Steem Price $1.79 . The highest combined figure before was 932 Bitcoins bid to buy Steem and Steem Price $2.60

🐒 It appears that Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem has created a sideways pattern between 43 and 98 I feel that the Bitcoin bid to buy Steem needs to break above this sideways pattern of 98 to really start a bull market for Steem .

Below chart since December 6 , 2016


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I feel that in order for Steem to advance and hold above the Steem price of $1.70 the number of Bitcoin Bid to Buy Steem must also break above and hold the 98 level .

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