dealing with the feeling: Opposition // Surviving on steemit

Good ol' polarity. Can't be defeated, can only be overcome. We all know the nasty feeling of being polarized. It creeps through our mind and body, scrapes our organs from the inside & has big potential to turn us into schreeching gnomes. No way ignoring it, the only solution is breathing through it and never act on it. That's a tough one …


Polarity is a universal law.

Everything has its opposite. And opposites are all the same.
Like hot and cold are just degrees of warmth, wet and dry are presence or absence of water and fast and slow different degrees of speed. And when it comes to humans:
A left extremist is the same as a right extremist, a fanatic Christian is the same as a Satanist, a Feminist is the same as a masculist, a gun-supporter like his opponent …

Polarity isn’t a bad thing in itself. That's how your computer works basically.
No Energy = 0
Energy = 1
It's yin and yang. It's not our task to make it disappear, it's our duty to accept that it's there and that we shall never try to persuade our counterpart. Accept it, embrace it, live with it.

Peace starts with me

The internet taught us to not feed the troll, however I think that's wrong. Whoever you inculpate of being a troll most likely feels the same about you and your strange views.
You can wish for universal peace as much as you want, it won't happen if we don't start it. It's my personal job to get along with those that I couldn't agree less with.

I have to accept that the oppsite of everything that I claim truth is truth also. I have to acknowledge that every single one of us always acts in their best possible ways. I have to stop judging the views of others and find out which ideas provoke me the most and what exactly this has to do with myself. Turn every internet fight inwards and ask yourself which mental block it is you're dealing with. Never blame anyone else for you to be polarized. And if this seems too much for you right now, then just do so the simplest thing ever: Avoid it by just don't read/watch/listen to what you cannot agree with in the first place.

Let's try to make the world a better place. Please don't take your facebook attitude with you, when you enter the ship to fly with us through the Steem Galaxy!



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