How To Expand Your Steemit Audience

Social Media is your very own market. It is the platform on which you sell yourself. Steemit, like any other social media follows the same trend. In order to grow and expand your Steemit audience and attract attention, there are a few techniques with which you should apply.


Utilize the first image that you put into your blog to draw in your audience. Listen to any popular Youtuber, and they will tell you that the length of time that they put into their photo link to the video is almost as important as the image itself. The image must be eye catching and appealing, while regarding the information in the blog.

Of course, the written component of the blog is important - it is the substance. But the most time and effort should be put into your first few sentences. Those initial lines and ideas either draw or repel your reader. Show them why your post will help or benefit them in their day. It is so important that you spend the time with your content.


Interact with your audience and other user's posts. Do not just write the basic "cool post" or "great photo" because that means nothing. Prove that you read their work and that you enjoyed it - start a discussion or ask a question. Through this you will build relationships online and that will transcend into a larger audience.

Physical Interaction:
Get your friends involved. Tell people you know about Steemit. Since joining, I have got 6 friends to join the site and I will soon bring on board more. Steemit is exciting and something to look forward to - show it to your friends, it's an easy sell.

Other Social Media:
Utilize platforms like instagram and twitter. A larger audience will view your work and begin to click on to it. Overtime they will create their own account and you will see them upvoting your content.


If you enjoyed this post then be sure to give my page follow - I hope this can be useful.

I am an 18 year old student currently living in Vancouver. Through Steemit I hope to share my future business ideas and build a community.


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