The Deviating World and the Consolations

We live in a time where the world holds and promises redemption – it gives us sex unrestricted; party uncensored; greed for money as standard wealthiness as modus operandi and; influence as assurance. Paradoxical, redemption never comes. We have sex, gets to ecstasy, yet return speedily to our exposed fragile selves; attend crazy parties at night, yet in the mornings caught with hangovers that insinuated bad feelings; amass money, yet feel insecure; have influence, yet remain afraid of the unknown even upon preconceived notion of religious postulation of the hereafter is ridiculous. The paradoxical nature of modernity promises, surely, affirms it as true.

Upon all the worldly endowments stuffed on us, however, we remain elevated to the things where we are easily disposed to choose between an enduring life and the obverse. Yet we are caught in between lines of regret and dissatisfaction. It is undoubtedly true that the world promises redemption in fleeting glimpse, and equally, alleviation of suffering to the rational beings who their emotional dexterity to life, appears fragile. To a certain degree, it is comprehensible that the human urges, eventually, have to reach some firm ground; either through an imaginary speck to which emotions are scrutinized to judiciously represent self-justification. Firm ground from which to evaluate a secluded life pattern. This evaluation of internal processes would require self-trust, by this, one would give more trust to others and some less so. This scrutinizing sensational trail places the individual in question, in a state of “receptive discourse”. Herewith, it keeps the individual free from wired-narrow-mindedness susceptible to opinionated self-absorption.

Our universal perceptive expositions are preoccupied with patently ill-treated thoughts. In this sense, we are easily deviated from our actual human existence and symbolism for the desperate sake of irresponsibility and thoughtless demeanor. The pathetic aspect of this phenomenon is that a particular portion of our consciousness is at wake to these demanding responsibilities, yet we remain brain-static and lethargic to sensual scrutiny and responses.

We often, mindfully, “SNOB” certain individuals who remind us of our sidelined duties; those who try to bring us back to reality from illusion we’ve involuntarily enslaved ourselves into; those who target against our unconscious selves; those who beseech on our focus towards a life of responsibility; those who nag at our tiny portioned, if lavishly, yet, irretrievable precious time of our initial goals and purpose of living. We dedicate to such hostile instincts to those who dearly think good of us, partly because, to us, the truth is distasteful. However hurt, we may feel about all those warnings, we viciously discard and revolt against them. On the other hand, their verdicts on us remain extraordinarily effective in our minds. As rational humans, we can easily deceive and be deceived by the needs of our bodily impulses, but our minds remain impenetrable against reality.

We should always remember our status in the circumference of ecological footprint. We are not, by chance, rational creatures as metaphysically proven, our existence is planned and channeled, whilst our dispositions are fashioned onto us to live out. The world in which we live offers both good and evil, it avails us with every opportunity to choose on which pattern to reside to, and, almost with infallible reasoning to always overcome difficulties whenever they emerge. Only if you deploy it wisely.

Whether you accept it or not, we are deliberately compelled to resort to unbeknownst significant figure to restrain us from indulging in continual devious acts for redemption. Every reasonable individual has this subjective significant figure for guidance. Perhaps a figure superior to our fragile selves. It could be our reasoning faculty, or even our fellow human, but a more cordial, and reliable one than ourselves.

To conquer is to experience with an active mind, and this experience brings with it an elusive mental glitch where one’s values are mindfully held to such experience.

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