Six Great Reasons You're Whiny, Steemit Isn't Fair Strategy is a Great Idea and You Should Keep Complaining!

Hardly a day goes by without someone in the comments on my posts, saying something like, “Sure, but if you don’t have an audience it’s hard to get any attention at all.” Or, this one, “I wrote this perfect post, but it got zero votes, only a few lucky people will ever make it here.” I have been suggesting a different tack, but I’ve decided, the negative, whiny, life sucks, method is actually a great strategy.

It gets you focused

Why bother with opening yourself up to all that extra opportunity out there? With the whiny approach, you can cut yourself off and just stay where you are. After all, who needs the hassle of counting all that steem or cashing out those steem dollars on the exchange? Right?

Besides, you’re probably right, the five three hundred word posts you’ve put up are more than enough of an effort, if anyone was going to find you, it would have happened by now, after all, you’ve been here almost six weeks.

It’s a great way to build an audience

No, really, people who feel sorry for themselves tend to stick together. You’ll have a huge fan club in no time, and they’ll leave long whiny comments on your posts, it’ll be great! Of course, some of them will drop off when they get the dumb idea that maybe being positive couldn’t hurt, but who needs that kind of bullshit.

Negativity really draws a crowd, I mean, look at the news. Tons of readers and viewers, sharing sad, violent, hate filled stories every day. You’ll have tons of votes before you know it. Never mind if they’re only worth a few cents each, because those who become more successful will move on.

People will appreciate your honesty

You do suck at this, so why not just share that? And it’s really not fair, I mean, you did share three sentences on the same topic as the top paying post today, and you only got 78cents. That’s not right! And come on, if you get 60 newbies with no steem to vote for you, why isn’t that the same as sixty dolphin votes and a dozen whales?

Lots of these positive thinker types are probably full of crap anyway, right? I mean, not all of them can have great lives all the time and if you really attract everything that happens to you, what about blind, legless orphans in Africa, what did they do? You’re just a victim, it’s not your fault, so tell the truth.

This steemit thing is a flash in the pan anyhow

Why bother? Never mind that millions are buying into crypto currency every year and the platform is growing like crazy. Never mind that the price of steem stayed almost even during the last bitcoin downturn. You’re wasting your time. Six months from now this will all be over.

When it all folds up, those guys who made millions are going to look silly when it turns out you were right, the whole thing was rigged and the witnesses and founders were the only ones to cash in. Just keep the truth coming. And, even if it goes through the roof, it’s still rigged and you’d end up with a measly couple hundred grand, while everyone else made millions.

Don’t worry, the law of attraction is all bogus anyway

Ignore all those signs that adding more negativity to the world isn’t good for your life. It’s bogus. You get what you get, no matter what you do or say, right? It’s all random, or maybe or fate, but you have no control, so don’t worry about it.

The people that succeed had all kinds of advantages. They already had an audience, they got lucky on their first few posts and reinvested, then stuck around nickling and diming it to get where they are. They were lucky.

The competition for rewards is too heavy anyway

If you pull your head out, stop whining and write what you know, in an attempt add value, you’ll just add to the competition, and that’s bad for the rest of us. Never mind that it also raises the level of quality in the content pool, attracts new users and helps boost the price of steem, we don’t need the competition.

So, you just keep whining. Of course you’re not getting a fair shake. The rest of us are cheating with our long, hard hours of writing, researching and creating great content. We’re only beating you because of luck.

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