The Way of Writing


Writing is an activity to create a record or information on a media using the script.
Writing is usually done on paper using tools such as a pen or pencil. At the beginning of its history, writing was done using pictures, for example, hieroglyphic writing (hieroglyph) in Ancient Egypt. (Source: Wikipedia)
Authors work hard to produce quality manuscripts to publish, and do this by planning, writing, rewriting, and editing. The writing process is divided into several basic steps that the writer must follow to complete the manuscript from the first draft to the publication. Understand and use the process with your own writing. Following Steps in Writing process:
1.Prewriting - Planning Stage
2.Stage Writing
3.Revision Stage

Writing Process in Action
1.Prewriting-Planning Stage
This stage is the stage of planning or preparation of writing and includes several steps of activities include:
a. Selection and Stipulation of Topics
Choosing and defining a topic is an important first step, because there is no writing without anything to write. The first problem the author faces to formulate an essay theme is the topic or subject (Keraf 1993: 126). In choosing and placing this topic requires the existence of a skill or knowledge or sincerity.

The topic of writing is a problem or idea to be conveyed in writing. The problem or idea can be obtained or explored through four sources, namely: (1) experience, (2) observation, (3) imagination, and (4) opinion and belief (Semi, 1990: 134).

The things to consider in choosing a topic are: (a) the topic is worthwhile and worthy of discussion, (b) the topic is interesting enough for the author, (c) the topic is well known, (d) the necessary material is available and Sufficient, (e) the topic is not too broad and not too narrow (Akhadiah, 1998: 86).

Every writer must be absolutely certain that the topic he chooses must be narrow and limited, or very specific to work on. With that restriction, the writer will more easily choose the things that will be developed (Keraf, 1993: 129).

b.Determining Writing Purpose and Forms of Essay
The purpose of writing is defined as a pattern that controls the writing thoroughly (Akhadiah, 1998: 89). By determining the purpose of writing, it is known what to do at the writing stage, even what is needed, the broad scope of the discussion, the organization, and perhaps the point of view used. Explicitly, the purpose of writing may be expressed by means of a thesis or by expressing intent.

c.Materials Writing
The writing materials are all information or data used to achieve the purpose of writing. The material may be details, case histories, examples, explanations,
Definitions, facts, causal relationships, hypothesis testing results, figures, diagrams, drawings, and so on (Akhadiah, 1998: 90).
Materials can be obtained from multiple sources, two main sources are experience and inference from experience. Experience is the overall knowledge gained through the senses, inference is the conclusions or values drawn from experience. The inference then becomes part of the experience and may also be the source of new inferences. Materials gained from experience are gained through direct experience or through reading.

d.Arrange the Essay Framework
An essay contains a work plan, containing the basic provisions of how a topic should be detailed and developed. Authorship guarantees a logical and orderly arrangement, and enables a writer to distinguish the main ideas of additional ideas.
Framework essay can take the form of simple note, but can also form in detail and worked very carefully. Briefly Keraf (1993: 132) defines the frame of essay as a work plan that contains the outlines of an essay to be worked on.

2.Stage Writing
At this stage is discussed every point that is in the composition of the compiled. This means the use of materials that have been classified according to their own needs. Sometimes at this stage, it is realized that other materials are still needed.
a. Content of Authorship
The contents of the essay are the essence of the essay itself. Keraf (1993: 134) divides the contents of essays namely introduction, body essay, and conclusions.

b. Vocabulary or Word Options
Achmadi (1990: 34) defines word choice as a selection of words to express ideas or ideas or feelings. By choosing the word of the essential requirements that must be required is accuracy and conformity.

c.Effective sentence
Sentences containing ideas must be grammatically qualified. Requires efektiviats requirements meaning, the sentence must meet the target, be able to influence, leave a message, or publish the tastes of readers.

Acknowledgments (1998: 33) provide a paragraph boundary composed of several sentences, which relate to one another so as a unified whole to convey a purpose.
Paragraphs are the core of pouring thoughts in an essay into the paragraph, from the sentence of the sentence, the main sentence, or the sentence of the topic, the explanatory sentence, to the closing sentence. This set of sentences is interconnected in a series to form an essay.

3.Revision Stage
This stage is the last stage in writing. If the material of all the writing has been completed, the text needs to be read back. Reading results need to be improved, reduced, or may also be expanded.
At this stage, it is usually thoroughly researched about logic, systematic,
Spelling, punctuation, word choice, sentence, paragraph, typing, bibliography, and so forth.


When I talk about the writing process I mean the basic steps that an author must follow from start to finish, like a plan. Each author is different and the process is different. You can use this article as a basic guide to developing your writing process.

See you later, may be useful.


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