Mystery of the Cave that Translucent to Mecca In Aceh


Gua Tujuh is a cave that is considered a historical heritage by the community of Laweung. There are seven main entrance to this Gua Tujuh. The seven doors have different sides. Its location on Jl. Banda Aceh - Medan KM 100, Laweung Village, Muara Tiga Subdistrict, Pidie District, Aceh.
This cave, surrounded by non-forested mountains. Or often called the rocky mountains. Entering the Gua Tujuh area must be careful. Because, the road to the Tomb that is often called the Aulia is still much damaged. Aulia / Guardians of Allah SWT are pious people who have been close to Allah SWT in accordance with his continuous obedience to God and consequently abandon all forms of sinful immersed with lust. The road is steep and a lot of rocks, so visitors are difficult to drive a motorcycle or tour bus.
With Panoramic rocky mountains on the sides of a high hill, the Seven Cave is located on the western border. Precisely, it borders the laweung area near the South. Anyone who heads to that area can take a look at the southern coastal shore. Of course has its own beauty if it is at the top of the cave.
"Almost everyone has heard of the Gua Tujuh. Although, many people are told with various information obtained. However, the accuracy can not be described by word of mouth. Impressed Gua Tujuh just as a folk tale "said Arif one who visited the Gua Tujuh is.
Surprisingly, the place can not be called a tour. For anyone visiting the Cave of Seven, is called the Pilgrimage of the Aulia-Aulia who had been imprisoned in the Gua Tujuh. "If made in the tour, then visitors do not keep the ethics when in this cave, precisely Gua Tujuh can be said of the pilgrimage site many visitors. Moreover, this sanctuary of the Aulia who are meditating "said Ambiya one of the Guide in Gua Tujuh Laweung hills.
Like the mystical world, when we listen to the story or history of the Seven Cave. Because, many people describe it by word of mouth. "Anyone can tell, as long as they are in the region. Although already many people from outside to do research center about the extent of the Gua Tujuh, until now no one has booked it "Add Ambiya.
According to the story, Gua Tujuh is composed of 28 Caves. With the main door numbering Seven, as the opening door to the next Cave. Only seven doors can be accessed by people. While at this time, only the remaining four doors are still wide open. The others are closed and inaccessible, for various reasons. It could be that the direction of the cave is too wide to get lost in it. Plus, the Gua Tujuh was not given lights so it looks very dark. There is only a flashlight visible when people enter into the cave.
According to Safrullah (45) One of the guides in Gua Tujuh said that many people visiting the region both from Aceh and outside Aceh such as from Java and Sumatra. In fact, Tourists also have often visited for research on the extent of the Cave Seven. However, many fail because the cave can not be measured in extent.

"This cave is a sacred cave, all of Aulia gather here. They are impervious to expect love from God. Walking to the Hajj, through the ascetic journey. Their power is united. Some are fallen in the sea by failing with various obstacles and some are successful to penetrate the Holy Land. " The story.
Not only the aceh Ulama who do the hermitage in this Gua Tujuh area, but there are also scholars from outside Aceh, but still many who fail.Scholars(ulama) are those who are experts in matters or in Islamic religious knowledge. It was seen as the hermits told his story for several weeks of hermitage. There is a red body like a lashes, there is also a congratulations to bring that has been successfully taken from within the cave. He also said about the hermitage of a scholar to the Arabs. Many stories are told to visitors, although the story looks mystical but, the story of the Gua Tujuh is indeed in the real world.
Salamah (63) is a resident of Laweung in Suka Jaya Village. He tells us that the Gua Tujuh is the cave of the Aulia pilgrimage. The existing Seven Caves of the centuries according to the story is not a cave formed from the events of Nature. However, there is a real event that can not be described by humans now. Various customs also exist in the Cave. There was an important event that took place in the Gua Tujuh. Until now there is no historian who can trace how wide the cave.


In addition, the Gua Tujuh has also been used as a means of asceticism (alone). The Acehnese call it 'Kaluet'. This term is exactly positive. 'Kaluet' is a means to increase harmonization between human and Allah SWT. They just worship. Usually people who choose 'Kaluet' is up to months in the cave settled. It is suspected they do not eat and drink.
Salimah, as the person who made the Resource Person when getting information about the Gua Tujuh was replied with oral and stories of his great-grandmother of ancient times. Lagenda Gua Tujuh is an important event until now. In fact, there are still many Ulama people who come from Aceh, Java, and also Overseas to conduct the Hermitage experiment. Narrated, there is a beautiful woman and Solehah came to that exact, decades ago. He intends to do the hermitage into the Cave. Not until a week, in a dark cave, the woman came out with a swollen body like a whip at the back. Hearing the story for the modern society is very unreasonable. However, that is the reality that is separated in the Gua Tujuh.
Another mystical story related to the treasures contained in the Gua Tujuh. Believed, Gua Tujuh has many gold relics. Some sources believe that gold belongs to the past Aceh kingdom that was buried there. Others feel gold is a mirage. Can only be seen by Aulia, the person who is considered sacred.
To observe the entrance of this cave, many people who hang the joints of life there. By selling drinks, and food that is provided exclusively for visitors. Beautiful again, this place is not in charge of any fee, including to enter the cave. It's just that visitors can pay with everything they can to the guides who have been accompanying visitors starting from the entrance to the exit door of the cave.
Concerning care and custody of the Seven Cave, already exists in the order of the city government rules Pidie associated with the Department of Tourism. "There, the Guide has earned their respective rations, although only a little" said Safrullah, not want to know how much salary per month as guardian of the Gua Tujuh.
Visitors are also many taboos when entering the cave. One of them, can not be too tight bepuanaian like jeans and Lejing. What else goes two-blind. It is very forbidden, because to keep things that are not in want.
Inside the cave, there are also inscribed verses of God written clearly on the roof of cave rocks. The Bismillah passage is not a human creation, but it does exist from the rocks on the roof of the Cave. Usually the writings of God's verse will issue a droplet of water, and the water in the drum. If in the morning, only guardian guards who managed to take the water and put it into a bottle of mineral water. Then, the water is marketed to visitors. Once, the water can cure various diseases.
Not only that, there is also a seat Pelaminan, kitchen, and other places that have been petrified. From the author's observation, once the cave is inhabited by the scholars and the kingdoms, because many relics in it that can be taken to this day. Despite having to go through the hermitage as had been done by the previous scholars. And as a proof of scholars who came from the Java region once managed to take a kris during his hermitage in the Cave.



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