Geurutee Mountain, Aceh Jaya

View from the peak of Aceh's Geurutee Mountain

      Aceh, which has been known as the Veranda of Mecca, has a good tourist destination. Here, there is a place called Puncak Geurutee Aceh Jaya Mountain. At this location, Teman Traveler can directly witness with the naked eye, the Indian Ocean which is stretched in width. Geurutee is unique. Unlike most mountains, it has easy access and is close to the highway, and can be stopped at any time by the drivers.

Indian Ocean from the Top of Geurutee Mountain

   A major disaster that devastated the earth of Aceh, had a major impact on all fields. The economy is paralyzed, the tourism sector too. But slowly, Aceh Jaya can rise again. Tourist attractions here, again show their charm. One of the top of Geurutee Mountain in Aceh Jaya.

From the top of the mountain, Friend Traveler can see a complete view. Because dealing directly with the Indian Ocean, from here, Friend Traveler can immediately see the breadth. Not to mention the cluster of small islands, coastal sands, and mountains that form a perfect formation.

Becoming a Place to Stop for Riders

      The peak of Mount Geurutee Aceh Jaya is a national road crossing. Therefore, don't be surprised if the mountain peak is always crowded with passing riders. At the top of the mountain, there are many stalls or cafes that are ready to serve the drivers. Traveler friends can enjoy Acehnese coffee and other Acehnese specialties. Even more fun, Traveler Friends can enjoy it all while comparing the incredible views of the Indian Ocean.



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