Dating in 21st century

Good day steemains. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Today am talking on dating in 21st century. It's a topic I usually think about when I see two people in a relationship. I usually doubt if they actually love each other. Or just keeping each other company

According to Wikipedia Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage . It is a form of courtship , consisting of social activities done by the couple, either alone or with others.

But when you reason it with youth of today, it's not like that. Back in the days, most people usually date people they love and have feelings for. But we date not for love but to satisfy our sexual urges. This is so sad because whenever marriage is involved, it usually ends with divorce. Boys date not just one girl but multiple girls to feel superior. They want to show off to each other that they can have any girl they want. And most times girls do it for money.
Welcome to a world where women will probably screen you for creepy statuses, whether you have any real friends, what you do for work and fun, places you go. Not to mention, if you have any “undesirable” qualities which may be perceived in the wrong light to someone who doesn’t know you well… all before you even say “hello”!

Why does this even matter? Social media has completely changed the way we think about relationships, love, friendship, and seems to revolve more around superficial qualities than anything real.

Dating has a long and varied history. Over the decades in the Western world, traditional dating was gradually overtaken by the high school “going steady/boyfriend-girlfriend” approach. Those who did not find a romantic counterpart in this way would then often be initiated into the bar/nightclub scene, where they could hope to find someone who may want to hook-up—meaning anything from kissing to having sex—which could eventually lead to the two parties becoming friends with benefits, boyfriend and girlfriend, or possibly even lead to marriage years down the road.


With the rise of the hook-up culture has come a change in the overall mentality behind dating. The focus in the 21st century is less about finding someone to date, court and marry than finding someone who can be fun “for the moment.”


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