Looking for a Little Perspective


Is it just me, or are things falling apart here??

Today I saw this post from @davemccoy about, among other things, why people are leaving steemit. I leave it up to you to have a look, but trust me, the post and the comments are worth reading. Then I received a private message from a new steemit user, reputation 25, @cendrinemedia, because she (?) didn't have the capability to respond to me on her own post due to RC limitations. So, here's a new user, trying to engage, but simply unable to. I never admit to understanding all the workings of steemit, but I do know that if you completely limit new users' ability to grow, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of being here. And of course there's the price drop, but truthfully, that's something I don't pay too much attention to, although I know there are many of you who depend on this as part of your livelihood.

In real life, I see @wolfhart's cancer diagnosis, and it's not good. I also see my other friend @thedarkhorse, who does so much for so many, struggling and unable to pay for a new boiler for his house; the boiler is the heat source for he and his family, and living in Chicago, trust me, you need heat! I'm also as usual, having to watch @briancourteau's ongoing illness and struggles with pain in my own home, unable to do anything to help him, and I'm left wondering, Do I really care about the BS that's going on here?? Do I even need it or any more frustration in my life?

If I'm being 100% honest with myself and all of you, I wonder if I'd rather stay in touch with people I've met here, on Discord, keep the relationships that I've fostered over these months, publish the odd post, and back away slowly.

Or am I just having a bad day? Because I'm also a little tired. Many of you know that we've rescued a kitten, and like a baby, she keeps me up at night, I'm breaking up fights with our other cat Buddy, during the day, and I have that cloudy, lack-of-sleep-emotional-ness that goes with motherhood haha. Actually, I've been really worried about @wolfhart, @thedarkhorse, and @briancourteau and so many others that I've met here who have things going on in their lives. I'm such an empath that I have now 'taken on' the burdens of so many here, that sometimes, I just need a break I think; and I'm not saying that to make anyone feel badly about sharing their problems with me; it's just the way I am wired.

But being away, doesn't stop me from thinking about it all. The real problems in life. Not the playground fighting that seems to be going on here all over the place!

Thanks for listening to me vent; I really appreciate it. Life can always be worse and it's often unfair. This I know.

But, it can also be beautiful, and that is what I'm struggling to see today.


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