Transparencybot "The Transparency Circus" 🐵🙈🙉🙊

Greetings everyone !

Ill skip the prologue and i'll go straight to the point !

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Two days ago i saw a comment in my POST by a bot named transparencybot ..
Hmm.. okey but its unuseful info, still this info can be obtained & seen from the voting list & from steemd , oh ! nice it has a optout option ill use it !
Couple of hours later i saw a flag in a POST of mine !!!??? first flag was from @introbot , in a rush i am checking out the bot and its rules and i am seeing this

If you find this tag spam to be unacceptable behavior, then let the author know. A quick comment with your honest view point may be sufficient to make a real change. Letting them know they are on "The Naughty Taggers List" may be plenty useful.

My first thought was maybe i misused a tag tears , i am panic double checking my replys in case some one left me a note about misusing a tag , nothing .... more tears Ill try to reach the administration then to ask them what is wrong with my post,
in the meanwhile i got a rain of flags to this post from a swarm of dummy accounts with 25 REP
pretty epic names right ? @steemprotector , @qualitycentral missing @steemZoro .

I tried to reach them thru comments & with wallet TX leaving my message but with any response

So i asked @rouketas to reach them out for me, and find out whats going on some after a day and a half he came up with that reply from bycoleman
In case you can't see it because the screenshot is a bit crappy he replied...

No, only because he opted out of the comments. If he he wants he can reply to any TB comment with #tbopt-in and he will not be selected for any future down votes.

So proppably ill get some more random downvotes in the name to @bycoleman trasparency circus !

I would like to give big to thanks the big fun guy @berniesanders & the flagship armada @abusereports , @iflagtrash for taking care @bycoleman "transparency thunder"!

Thank you!!❣️❣️

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