Lessons !@#$!!#@$

arguing-1296392.pngOk I am human, and if this comes as a shock then - um... you should probably take up a good hobby like poking smot or counting you chickens before they hatch.

I love you guys and girls, but I have been sort of in a zombi zone for the last 24 hours - and here is why. Nahhh I do not want to bore you with those details. Here is what I DO want to bore you with:

One of my most cherished humans - a very special friend - found out that I was a dum-dum recently and I confided in this friend IN WRITING about some very personal stuff. Well... I misjudged the sanctity of our bond - and it turns out my confession went beyond this friends threshold of tolerance. So I was tossed to the wolves - and to my dismay I probably should have seen it coming. Well, I have since been "forgiven" but ... after seeing someone under that light - it kinda changed my inner voice about this person.

What the heck man? How quickly can one thing change how warm or cold you are ?

One thing about me - no matter how mad someone makes me, and no matter how much I feel hurt or used or whatever - I forgive quickly and I naturally am a grudge free gal. Even in my WORST days I would never be quite as cruel as my special friend was to me just a day ago.
It was shocking and devastating and it hurt as much as when my husband died in 2007.

Like OUCH! Stomach sinking, heart aching and sobbing into the night type of crushed, almost as if I had suffered a great loss like death or divorce. I am telling you right now 24 hours later my eyes are still swollen from crying.

In my fresh, new "forgiven" status - I am actually frightened of this person now.

What do I do ? How do I forget that terrible, cold reaction to my confidential chat? Oh - I should add that it was not kept secret either, I was thrown under many busses.

Any thoughts?

Love you all - lets hear how YOU react to cruelty.

Does someone EVER deserve an intentional painful cold shoulder?

Talk to me . fairy-tales-1489035_640.jpg

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