Interactive Battle Tournament PvP: The Great War of Dadotoci

This is it! IBT PVP V1.00 has officially started - Play now! win big Steem.

Above amazing image created by our own @artlover

There was a lull in combat on Dadotoci for a while, but it would be short-lived.

An assembly of creatures had convened -- dragons, spiders, mantises, Gobbos, pigfolk, drunk humans, hellspawn... all sorts of folks who had previously suffered at the hands of the heroes who bravely quested for glory.  But instead of meeting to try to figure out a constructive plan for the future of Dadotoci, all they could do was argue about who was to blame for their collective misfortunes...

Would it be right to blame Raiden for delivering so many pre-destined fatalities to Dadotoci's denizens?

Or would it be more appropriate to blame Doomguy, the ruthlessly efficient killing machine whose first act was to vaporize 20 consecutive servants of evil across 4 tournaments, each with a single blast out of his BFG 9000?

What about Tim Ross, who used friendship to paint death onto so many creatures?

Or BuRgUrMeCh, whose condiments may have been tasty for humans but proved fatally poisonous to many others?

Alric Stormbringer was a highly competent wizard -- what if Dadotoci's evil wizards had recruited him to teach them, instead of learning about "things a smurfy smurf would smurf" from Papa Smurf...?

But even Tim, a simple-looking brute of an archer wreaked havoc amongst the creatures of Dadotoci -- what would that say about the denizens' intelligence?

And so the assembly bickered on and on... until one antsy Gobbo poked a dragon, that dragon belched out a huge flame, and the assembly descended into chaos, with the attendees scattering in every direction.

Above image yet another fantastic piece by @artlover

Now a Great War is being fought across Dadotoci.  Some factions were smarter than others and decided that the best course of action would be to set their personal grudges aside and call upon the heroes of the past to battle alongside them, for glory and STEEM.

You have answered the call and are now one of those mercenaries.  Your fellow heroes, once comrades-in-arms, now fight for other factions and have become your mortal enemies.  It's every hero (and their faction) for themselves now.

It's time to fight!

While we looked at a variety of ways of doing character creations for IBT PVP we finally settled on generic 'clay creatures'. As a mercenary clay creature you will grow as you level up, the armour and weapons you will achieve will improve your odd's of winning the PVP battles to come.

Note to children: please don't abuse medical subscribed drugs... too much.

Above mind blowing concept art is by @steemseph

How to Play! Easy it's just 3 steps

  1. Simply type in a reply to this post !ibtbattle. 
  2. @wizardzap will ask you  a question about what class you want to be, respond with your Character class preference.
  3. Now, simply type !ibtbattle and as many times as you want to battle. I recommend you do this via a reply to this post, not a reply to your previous comments above.

How to win liquid Steem.


There are 3 milestone prizes available to be won:

  1. You can win 3 STEEM if you are the first player to reach level 3, and are not the fastest to reach level 5 or level 7.
  2. You can win 5 STEEM if you are the first player to reach level 5, and are not the fastest to reach level 7.
  3. You can win 7 STEEM if you are the first player to reach level 7.

Limit 1 milestone prize per player.  If someone reaches more than one milestone level the fastest, they are paid for their highest prize only.  The lower prizes would then be awarded to the 2nd (or if necessary, 3rd) player to reach the lower milestone level.

There is a 5 STEEM bonus prize for the player who scores the highest amount of XP by the end of the week (determined at the time this post pays out).  This prize is separate from the milestone prizes, so a player who has won a milestone prize can also win this bonus.

In the IBT spirit of spreading the prizes and joy, there will also be a separate progressive drawing prize, which starts at 2.5 STEEM and grows based on the number of credits purchased by players.  Sometime after the end of the week (i.e. after the post pays out), a drawing will be held and the winner of that drawing will receive the entire value of the progressive jackpot at that time.  Every credit purchased = 1 entry into the drawing.  In addition, 1 free entry may be earned for participation -- just register to play the game and use up all of your free credits to gain that free entry into the drawing.

 If you run out of credits, you may purchase more credits for 0.1 STEEM  each by making a transfer to @wizardzap with the memo "for ibtbattle".   Bulk purchases are permitted (e.g. if you transfer 1 STEEM you'll  receive 10 credits). 

@lordnigel reserves the right to increase the base values of the bonus prize and progressive drawing prize, and will make an announcement if he does so.

Do you have what it takes to come out on top in the Great War of Dadotoci?

Let the PVP battles commence!!!!!

Above image zapped into existence by our own @steemseph

Above IBT battle upgoats by our own @ryivhnn

Above IBT loggo by our own @spaceginger

If the bot doesn't launch a battle simply wait, delete your comment and try again. If the bot continues not to respond, please visit again later - in typical IBT fashion the bot is highly experimental and has had almost no testing and may break.  I apologize if this happens. I'll be working with @doughtaker to track these issues and Steem transfers to make sure everything runs smoothly. IBT is a community run competition and prizes are donated thanks to key contributors and players.

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