How using Steemit is re-programming your mind

Steemit is a revolutionary tool, and that makes you a revolutionary. Given the power of this technology I have began to wonder, how is using this platform influencing your mind? and can Steemit be used to re-progamme one from the values of a very centralised society.

In a recent blog post I spoke briefly on multidimensional thinking and how we can develop other perspectives of thinking through learning new skills. There is a basic freudian principle which states that all the stimuli we receive (be it through our vision, speech, sound or touch ect.) are stored somewhere deep in our unconscious mind. The principle also states that our thoughts and therefore our behaviour is heavily governed by what is stored in this unconscious space. So basically, what you put in is what you get out. So what type of stimuli are we receiving by using steemit?

Well, from my expereince, steemit is great in that in that it puts a physical value on good content, it pays people for what they love doing and this only breeds more good content. Not to the mention the overwhelming positivity ingrained in this community. Steemit also teaches us about decentralisation, in other words taking power away from 'the man' and putting it in your hands. Knowing there is less censorship and knowing there are endless rewards promotes free thinking. Having the opportunity to earn and own some Steem means that you do not work for steemit, you work for yourself, this preaches self empowerment and provides a means for us to work and think as individuals. By allowing you to exercise positive thinking, independence, self empowerment and much more your brain is being moulded to adopt a different way of thinking, more so than you may realise.

As discussed there are endless benefits of using this platform, but my point is this: going back to our freudian principle, by using steemit you are filling your unconscious mind with the benefits of steemit, you are teaching yourself its values and the values of decentralisation. Based on the idea that what is in your unconscious mind influences your thoughts and behaviours, you yourself will become a manifestation of the principles it teaches.

Thanks for reading, I would love to hear your thoughts, positive or negative I'm sure we will all learn something.

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