Be DIVERGENT on Steemit


Are you a sci-fi fan? Maybe you’ve seen the Divergent film? I was inspired by the bird tattoo of the lead actress in the film. And I really loved the concept of multiple factions with their different traits: Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave) and Erudite (the intelligent).

After watching the movie, it’s easy to forget all the imagery, but I always remembered the concepts explored in it. Concepts, once spread can go deeper in your mind than you would expect, affecting our thinking and actions.

The five factions in the film are really basic, but it shows how each community has different social needs. Divergents are those that have more than two of those traits, showing that those with only one trait are often unbalanced. Those that are too selfless will sacrifice too much or be too accepting of both right and wrong. Those that are too peaceful may not be willing to fight even when it is for the overall good. Those that are too brave can easily be idolised for their strength but also violence. Those that are too honest can easily fall victim to lies and deceit. Those that are too smart, could be the most dangerous as they can easily manipulate others and see them simply as tools for their end goals.

So far on Steemit, I see those factions developing:

Those that are selfless come on Steemit, to share their ideas and not their ego’s. We see these amazing people share meaningful information and concepts, they try and support others. But does that leave them too exposed?

We see the peaceful faction, who want to encourage kindness and cooperation by all Steemit members. They are the mediators of the platform, always looking to resolve conflict. But will they be willing to flag a poor quality post?

Those that are honest, try and engage with genuine content producers and avoid spam content. They have the need to speak the truth. In their search for organic engagement, they will not use vote bots. But will that leave them unable to get onto that all important trending page?

The brave ones are willing to fight for what’s right, to take on the spam bots. They make the community stronger with their struggle for justice. But do they end up causing more conflict that is needed?

The smart ones are busy running witness nodes, and creating super cool tools like by @mauricemikkers by @penguinpablo by @dragosroua by @steemchiller by @roadscape

But are they missing the simpler loopholes like large self votes and other Steemit reward pool thieves?

I hope I can take these lessons and be a better Steemian! So whatever your natural traits, it is balance that makes us able to function at our best. Learn new skills, be ambidextrous, be DIVERGENT.

Thank you for taking time to read this post, I hope you enjoyed it !

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