Disappearing After My First Post?! Balancing Uni, Fitness and Steemit



I am someone that likes to have it all figured out. No matter what the situation.  But, let's be honest. Having it "ALL" figured out just isn't rational, and it brings unwanted stress into play.

To some of you, it may seem as though I made my first post, then gave up. However, that is not the case. Posting regularly on Steemit is very important. However, as a full time uni student, sometimes your plate gets a little too full to manage. 

These past two weeks for me have been occupied by 13 hour days in the library, studying endlessly, and working my butt off to get the marks I want. I haven't seen the gym since my exams started, and I unfortunately, haven't had the time to make a decent post. 

I want my posts here on Steemit to be worth reading. I don't want to write something sloppy and post it just for the sake of posting something. I'm new and I'm learning, but sometimes life gets in the way of just how quickly we are able to get ahold of things. I'd love to be able to write a post a day, but for my lifestyle right now, it's not always going to be realistic.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, as much as I enjoy Steemit, and being involved in this wonderful community, school will always come first. I'm hoping you guys will understand as I continue to learn and develop a scheduling plan that fits my lifestyle :) 

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