Sorry steemit, I've failed you so far but you've failed me to.

Ok I admit it... I've failed. I promised myself I'd make a real effort with Steemit - regular posts, building my profile on other sites and linking them in, taking an active interest in the Steemit community etc - but that hasn't happened.

Life has been hectic lately and I just haven't been able to find the time. That's the excuse I'd like to give but the truth is I'm a lazy bastard and that's just how I roll. Procrastination is a speciality of mine and Steemit has been no exception. That's not to say that I don't feel like I have anything worth contributing, but my tragic, genetic laziness means nobody will ever accuse me of being overly productive.

However, I also feel like Steemit has let me down as well. I bought into Eth at $9 before the "DAO incident" happened so I'm not particularly desparate for the potential income from posting on Steemit, however, it would be nice if more than one or two people actually got to see my posts (well, at least I think it would, it hasn't happened so far, so really I'm only guessing).

It seems that Steemit's a bit of an all or nothing kind of thing - if you want anybody to actually see what you are putting out there then you need to expend considerable time and effort for the chance to get them to do so. Where does that leave the half hearted, the lazy or those of us who actually don't have the time to post much - doomed to forever produce a limited amount of content that only we will ever see? It's a tragedy.

In my case this problem is further compounded by another issue I have with Steemit.
Getting actively involved with the Steemit community, upvoting and commenting on posts is one of the suggested methods of bulding a following. (As someone who's more interested in people seeing my stuff than making money from it I abhor the idea of an upvote for an upvote - I want to know people are actually interested in what I post not just faking it for an upvote.)
My previously mentioned genetic "condition" means I dedicate considerable time (& no real effort) to meandering around the internet looking at randomn crap. It seems this method of building a following should be an almost ideal fit for me.
Sadly however, I find the experience of using Steemit to be somewhat painful and vaguely like hardwork and therefore I don't do it very much (don't get me wrong posting is simple and easy, which is probably how I can be bothered to do it).
Seems like Steemit has been in "beta" for a bloody long time now. Is there a full release coming at some point that will include a more content consumer friendly interface? (Not sure why I'm asking that - feels a bit like having a conversation with myself lol). Tags that are more accessible/searchable for instance, or God forbid, actual categories to choose from. Easy ways to separate the different forms of content - photos, writing, videos, a search engine that produces more relevant content and allowed for more detailed searches would be great. Youtube manages to suggest a variety of videos that will appeal to me. Facebook feeds me a pretty much constant diatribe of semi interesting content I may wish to explore further. Something similar on Steemit would be lovely.
Or perhaps I'm just a pain in the arse, too lazy to put any effort into my browsing.

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