
    The law is the taiga and the bear in it is the prosecutor! The entire endless taiga is divided between the bearish brotherhood to the last swamp. For example, the 80 km Kulik Trail passes through 2 or 3 bear sites. And  on each of them the local owner necessarily smelled the approaching  group (or found out about the arrival of the "muzhiks" in their bearish  telegraph?). About  his presence it was possible to guess, it was only necessary to go back  and, in the mud among our tracks, there was almost certainly a  footprint of a clumsy person. As  a good owner, he did not impose his society, but only carefully  followed the guests, "that everything be within the limits of the  permissible." Experienced  Tungus know that after leaving people bear necessarily bypasses the  deserted camp, but not only in search of something tasty - he always  sets the order once and for all. With  something that people build, he quickly gets used to (for example, with  huts, because he knows that inside people like to leave tasty canned  food, and a bear can always go inside for a tasting), but with something  does not reconcile throughout its entire life (dozens of times knocked a wooden pipe in the mouth of the idol  at Makikten parking lot and a sign with the inscription "Bolot Zotkin's  Bath" near the eponymous site).

     Generally speaking, bears are a peaceful people. For all the decades - never the first to attack people, only twice  there were incidents (once with human casualties), but both times the  fire was first opened by a man with a fright.
    In  general bearish self-esteem should not be infringed upon, it should not  be demanded of him once again to clean the path or leave the premises,  it is better to amuse the hostess with an unobtrusive loud song or  jokes, more precisely, from afar to let him know that the "guests" are  coming. In summer, bears are usually not hungry, so if it does not happen in  raspberries, then hearing a ringing song or tapping a spoon in a bowler  hat the master will always find something to do on the sidelines.
        In general, bears should be thanked from all Tungus. Firstly, because they always make searches for a "meteorite" more interesting and memorable. Secondly,  for the fact that bears - they are lazy, as a person likes to walk  along the paths, therefore, trails in the uninhabited regions are never  completely overgrown. And  Tungus bears like to splash in the hot days with hot days, and in the  evenings they prefer to climb up the slides and sit there for hours. 

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