A Second Income: Why Steemit is the answer to freedom and a part-time job.

We all know that what we're paid today in a salary that does not constitute a good living therefore a second income is always a viable option and Steemit might is the answer. A lot of us, me included, look for alternative ways to make ends meet and our first consideration is to take on a part-time job outside of the home. This has been done for years by people who felt that their current income wasn't enough to provide for their family.

Have we ever stop to consider the consequences of constantly being away from your family 24 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week. Is it really worth it to leave you 8 or 10 hours a day job to go and work an additional 4 hours only to bring home a few more peanuts that might pay a bill or two. Are your bills getting paid, maybe so but who suffers the most is you and your family.

This is why I see Steemit as a viable option to that second income. Yeah you might not make much in the beginning but like with anything else if you stick to it and master this platform that sky is the limit. Steemit is the new Cyrptocurrency social media platform that I feel is going to take the internet by storm. When I saw this platform I started listening to videos about everyday even while I was working. Take if form me if your not taking Steemit serious that you are about to miss the boat. Imaging mastery this platform and making $80 dollars a day 7 days a week participating on a social media platform all from the comfort of your home. Heck other on Steemit are killing the game some making as much as $1500 per article. Crazy huh! So my estimate of making $80 a day does not even touch the surface of those that are making thousands per article.

Here are the benefits:

  1. Your at home with your family
  2. You can't determine your income but you can determine your outcome!
  3. You might be able to quit your job if you learn more about this platform as well as the cryptocurrency market.
  4. Work when you want, where you want and how many hours you want.

What part-time job offers that kind of flexibility.

Let's face it working outside of the home at least with a second job is a thing of the pass. Life is too short it's time to get with the new new and have your words, thought, and knowledge make you mo.ney. Steemit is now my new part-time job and cryptocurreny is my employer. I want to enjoy my life my like Timothy Skyes on this picture

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