Some countries in Europe where you can study for free


If it is your dream to study abroad, you will be surprised to find out you can achieve that without breaking the bank. There are countries in Europe where you can study for free or even cheap. I will be compiling a list of countries where you study without paying tuition. Some of these universities require that you write IELTS or TOEFL and some require none of this at all.

Here are a list of countries that offer tuition free education in europe

1. Norway

Tuition fees in Norway are free for all, both EU/EEA and non EU/EEA students, This made number one on the my list because of this reason. The only fee students are required to pay is just a student union fee of 32 and 65 EUR. Cost of living in Norway is around 1000 EUR per month.

Here are some tuition free universities in Norway:

University of Stavanger (UiS)
University of Tromsø (UiT)
University of Agder (UiA)
University of Nordland (UiN) (formerly Bodø University College)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
University of Agder (UiA)

2. Iceland

Iceland does not charge tuition fees at all, regardless of your nationality, Which means that tuition is free to both it's citizens and international students, you are only required to pay a registration fee of about 400 EUR a year. Some universities in Iceland include
The university of iceland
The university of Akureyri
Reykjavik unniversity
Bilfrost university

3. Germany

in Germany tuition fee is free for both Germans and international students, the only fees required for you to pay is administrative fees which is about 100 - 200 EUR a year, which is dedicated to student service. Because of the stiff competition for admission into German universities writing IELTS is a requirement in getting admission into German universities.

Here are are tuition free German universities:

University of Stuttgart
Hamburg University of Technology
Darmstadt University of Technology
Ruhr University of Bochum
University of Leipzig

4. Finland

Finland has some of the best universities in Europe, however, EU/EEA students don't pay any tuition, whereas Non EU/EEA students get to pay tuition. Notwithstanding the tuition fee is still cheap compared to some universities in the UK. The minimum tuition set by the finish government is 1500 Euros. Writing IELTS is a requirement for you to get admitted in Finland.

Here are some universities where you can study in Finland:

Åbo Akademi University
University of Helsinki
University of Jyväskylä
University of Eastern Finland
University of Lapland

5. Austria

Austria does not charge tuition to it's citizens and those from the EU/EEA. Students that fall within this region are required to pay only a registration fee of about 363 EUR per semester. Non EU/EEA students pay slightly higher than their counterparts as they pay a sum of 726 EUR per semester.

Here are some tuition free universities in Austria:

University of Vienna
Vienna university of technology
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Medical University Vienna
University of Graz

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