Generosity Begets Growth


Yet another unique Steemit attribute

In the crypto space where HODL is the key word, the act and actions in this direction breeds miserly attitudes. It begets a greedy attitude, only proven by relative terms of FOMO, FUD, Etc as descriptors for the space and those in it.

We see it changing people into a mindset actually divergent from capitalism, into that of selfishness and personal focus. This can of course can allow people to accumulate great wealth, but at a cost to the more vital underlying quality of freedom and escape from those that subjugated others through the prior and current greedy, monetary and economists systems the the cryptos were designed to replace.

Steemit Instructional

Here on Steemit, you amass wealth by giving wealth, not begging, asking or bullying it from others.

Case in point, those people that comment on your efforts that are too cheap, miserly and ill informed about the Steemit protocol. It cost nothing to upvote a post, it costs nothing to upvote a comment, so why do people miser their Steem (all while expecting Steem in return)?

Now invariably even this post there will be comments below, where the commenter was too cheap to even upvote the post. Sometimes I will point them out by asking them to read what was written, then think about the reply they left. Other times they are ignored and gain no worth from their cheap or miserly methods.

There is truly an untapped potential here. One lesson all can learn is to be generous, upvoting takes nothing from you, while it benefits others. Yet so few choose to do it... instead they choose only words in comment.

To be complete in sync with the Steemit process, both are vital!


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: knowyourmeme

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