Commenting VS. Creating Content (For Minnows - Is this the Question or Answer?

On a daily basis I see so many new users on STEEMIT for months commenting and posting of struggling to be rewarded with even a few dollars for some pretty well thought out quality posts which have taken users hours to create.


The process of writing quality content and not being rewarded for it more than the some spare change is very frustrating... What will the new STEEMIT users do once the real aggravation sets in and they get more and more discouraged... LEAVE...

I know that this is a very big topic on STEEMIT and many selfless whales have been trying very hard to get the attention of Developers, Witnesses, and the powers that be that can alter the reward algorithms currently in place. Which in a nutshell allows the highest holders of STEEM POWER to reap a huge percentage of the reward pool.

Some advice for minnows like myself..

I have been on STEEMIT for over 4 months now with a 1 month hiatus in the middle... After the hiatus, I wrote a few decent posts in my opinion.. Nothing groundbreaking - but nominal post.. only to receive .02-.04 per post... Then I had an idea... I started seeking out quality content that interested me and tried to find post that were just recently posted.. Also I tried to focus on post with users reps above 65-70 at the very minimum...


Most posts in general seem to be about 5 minute reads.. So I read the posts and If I felt I had something meaningful to contribute to the post interactively or wanted to express my opinion, I did..

I wrote out at least a full paragraph comment, with no typos, and often left the comment with an open ended question for the author to stimulate engagement.. To my surprise, many of the post I commented on turned into replies back and forth between myself and the Author.. Not all - but a large portion would upvote my comment, or replies quite generously - with a few Authors upvoting my comments to to almost $3. More importantly I began to form the beginning of a relationship or connection with the Authors and many had in turn followed me and helped increase my own reputation.. Even more importantly some of the Authors I connected with went on to search my blog for posts - some of which were very short posts and the re blogged them and upvoted them bumping up my rewards..

In conclusion to Commenting VS. Creating

I must say that as it is very important for all users to create content to some extent... If you are a minnow discouraged by your posts not being seen, read, heard or compensated... For the meantime... Maybe scale back the time spent on elaborate posts until your following or rewards make them worth your while and try my technique by focusing on finding the best content by high rep users and engaging with them, truly engaging with them with things that you and the Author can relate to and I have a feeling you will also be rewarded the way I have..

A post that generates $1 from 2 hours of your time composing it or 6 quality comments that generates $4-5 in rewards, creating interactivity building friendships, followers, and getting upvoted and reblogged by users with many many followers...

A interim solution to the current reward system that is flawed in many many ways... For us minnows we can only leave it up to the powers that be in STEEMIT to correct this flawed system and must be grateful for the many high rep whales that actually take time to reply, engage, and often upvote the quality comments left on their posts (we all see the spam comments flood in and its getting worse and worse)

Please be kind and stop spamming the quality posts looking for a handout that is undersizing and most likely you will rarely, rarely receive.. Let's all keep our beloved platform clean and do our jobs of downvoting any and all spam!!!

Please reblog this post if you think its deserving of being read by others or may help other minnows until the reward system is amended to create an inviting, positive, more fair system for first time users and users since day one


EDIT - A Very special thanks to my friends @boxcarblue @josephsavage and @kkugel2 for esteeming this post and helping it to get more exposure which created more comments, understanding of the STEEMIT system by various viewpoints, interaction, and new friends made!!

EDIT (2) After viewing a post from @boxcarblue regarding simply "Is Steemit Fair?" He had put a quote at the end of it which really kind of opened my eyes and made me think outside the box and wanted to share it with everyone...

"Your rewards are like zen. If you see the zen, you are missing the zen. If you look past the rewards, you will get the rewards." - @boxcarblue

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