My Job as a Steemit Blogger and Addict (WARNING: Heavy Steemit Use Inside)


I don't work a 9-5 steady job, with an assured income. I don't freelance for an agreed upon payment either.

I don't work a traditional job.

I Steemit.

We all have to survive, we all have to do something.

We have economic survivability. That itself isn't bad. It affords us freedom from having to do everything ourselves. We can get more done together if we distribute labor, master skills and "share" through economic exchange. But it's coupled with codependency forced upon us, as we do not have the option to own free land, so economic survivability is not an option, but a requirement.

I write and create content that may or may not grab someone's attention, and give them something to think about in life. I used to create unique high quality content for free on my own blog.

Then Steemit came into my life...


Some people get disillusioned and maybe feel disenfranchised at how Steemit works compared to their expectations.

And some people get ADDICTED to Steemit!

And some of us try to become a success, and help Steemit become a success in turn.

Sometimes you get a good post return, where the value reward goes up. While other times, the value reward is not there.

It's often hit and miss, and there is no set formula for information people are interested in each new day.

Sorry for the upcoming low quality images of my "screenshots", they aren't real screenshots. I got carried away in taking pictures with my phone and didn't take actual screenshots instead. :P

The day breaks, or not yet for the sun... but... something is stirring in the darkness, it's... it's... it's a @krnel!

This is a picture of what it looks like when I wake up:


So I get up at around 5:30am to 6:30am. It's still dark.


On the computer goes.


Checking outside, still dark as if it was night. Though, the sun is slightly peaking behind the horizon.


Then I start.

Open, go upvote from the last 20-40 followed posts, posted the night before. Read any replies to posts, reply myself.


And then it's time to get writing.

Yes, I write everything in Notepad++. I'm that high tech :P


Here I am making an image for my post TIL about the Christmas Truce - Proof Most People Don't Want War and the Real Spirit of Humanity:


Finish writing before it's time to post, or maybe already have a post ready ahead of time. Otherwise, keep writing until it's done and get it out ASAP! LOL.


And then I repeat writing more things throughout the day, working on multiple ideas and write-ups during the day. Some things get put off and I come back to them days or weeks later. I can be posting something fresh I wrote up that day, the previous day, or older.

Of course in between I eat breakfast, lunch, etc... but all I can see is Steemit everywhere...


Still later in the day... all I see is Steemit!


My Steemit addiction has me hallucinating Steemit everywhere!

Steemit is life!

Read, think and write. Repeat. Write my posts. Read other posts. Read comments. Write comments.

That's the my job on Steemit. And that's my life as a Steemit addict :D

I was doing curating of all new/created posts from the past 24h, and I started a coding project (SteemKURE), but I've really gotten into writing more lately.

Steemit Blogging as a Job

Don't think Steemit is a dreamy breeze to make money.

The pay isn't constant.

There are no guarantees.

You will start off with nothing, and work to get attention for your content and get recognized.

It demands time, effort, energy, dedication, determination and persistence to make a mark (I have no previous following or popularity).

If you have learned things about life, or can write, then you can eventually succeed on Steemit, that's almost a guarantee. It depends on you, largely, to at first create content.

Each person is different, and that applies both to content creators, and to those who upvote and generate the rewards for your content.

There is no magic formula that I have found. Upvotes and rewards are not constant.

This is not a day-job where you get a guaranteed paycheck for doing certain tasks.

Although some people have success on Steemit early, they usually are already popular in some capacity.

You likely have to work hard, and probably harder than a regular job. I do. A regular job is 9-5ish. I end up being on Steemit from morning 'till night, unlike a 9-5 job :P Writing 3-4 posts each day takes a lot of time and work.

But you have more independence and self-determination in your day. You can write in the morning, afternoon, evening or at night, or all the time.

It's up to you to manage what you create as content.

There is no boss telling you what to do for you to get paid. You have to figure it all out on your own.

Before you quit your job to make money on Steemit, make sure you know you have quality content to share with people. I knew I did. I've been learning for 10 years, and sharing knowledge on my sites for 3 years. I know the value of the content I create, even if other people don't. If you don't know the value of your content, or that you can even create content, then please asses your skills before making life-changing decisions.

It's possible you put in time, energy, effort, and output quality content, but no one cares, at least for a short while. Eventually you get recognized, if you have the quality or skills. Or knowing the power players (SP "whales") can get you high rewards no matter what you post... LOL.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

I hope you enjoyed a sneak-peak into my life ;)

Here is my computer, my "work-station", my life, etc. :P


P.S. Those are vitamins and minerals. You can see B and C labels for those vitamins... hehe. Some I don't take often but they stay there and take up space...

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-12-11, 9:25am

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