First Week On Steemit + Payment!

My first payment

My first payment!


Kozan Just over a week ago, I joined Steemit and wrote an about me post. I had seen the power of Steemit pretty much straight away, reaching $0.01 which is Steem Dollars not USD. I think that can be a confuser at first. I then created a total of 5 posts, done some comments and upvoted in places.

One week on, I managed to get my first payment showing with my Wallet saying to redeem!

I initially recorded a video so that you can see, but as forgot to put mic in, there was 17 minutes of video and silence, so this post is being done with images instead.

Level Of Effort

My first weeks posts

This week I placed up 5 pieces of content, and resteemed a post. As you can see my level of effort was not spectacular. I mainly wanted to see results. One week on, you can see I have some followers and have put up some content. Every content piece I put up has produced something. Not spectacular, but nonetheless more than nothing!

Wallet showing first payment as ready
In wallet, we see payment showing and it saying to redeem. This was first payment for the first post I put up!

More Payments!

More payments

Then more payments starting coming through. Payments happen 7 days after earning them. Though I think it came few hours after 7 hours, one by one they started coming through, and one payment was for a comment put up on someones post!

Redeemed Money!

Redeemed Money!

To get paid, you have to press the redeem button! After pressing it, the Steem Dollars and Steem Power have entered my account. Though I believe there is a wait to be able to get that money out. In this picture we can see it added to my balance.

Something to note. Originally when I opened the account, it said +72 Steem Power in brackets and was keep going up but has seemed to go down to 4 and not moving. After getting paid it went up slightly. I don't know why this is. Someone said that it is due to Steemit funding account, but then can reduce it if it thinks can start account for less. I don't buy that. Anyone looking at +72 will know it works out over $100 USD and I think some people will think they are going to get more than they are. Still it shows on the balance.

Another note of caution. From what I understand the Steem Power requires 3 months to be paid. Which is what a portion of payment comes in.

Author Rewards

Author Rewards

On Author Rewards, the first author payment details showing! We can also see what it says about earnings the previous week. Your first week this shows 0 until after the first week if you got a payment.

More Author Rewards

More Author Rewards

In this image you can see further payments on the Author Rewards page. The curation rewards were 0 for this period, so I have not included a screenshot.

Fruit Of Your Labor!

Fruit of your labor

I did a rough calculation adding both Steem Power and Steem Dollars. I know they have different values and this may not be totally accurate, but works out 0.0003 btc or almost $0.75 cents.

My Thoughts On Steemit:

Being Cheif Cornerstone of an important bitcoin project for humanity, I can look and see the benefits. Being a Microsoft Certified Professional and decades of experience gives me a view with Steemit and Steem which I think is important. I wrote about this point recently in 2 important articles:

Be sure to check them out.

In How Steemit Is Changing Society (, I looked at one way Steem and Steemit is changing society, and in The Evolution Of Crypto Currency ( I spoke about how blockchain based technologies are evolving, but I want to cover a bit about my thoughts with Steemit.

Looking at Steemit, it reminds me about some things covered before in the LBTC project that made me wonder whether someone read some of our material in putting together Steemit or was part of original LBTC teams.

For me, at this time, Steemit is like a place where you can earn for your thoughts and your writing and what you have to give. Backed by a blockchain! I have to admit, it has changed some of what I do. In fact I have had to leave some people behind because it teaches you that some relationships are take - take - take, and here you get, get, get for your giving!

I can't say quite your day job, but at this time, Steemit offers an interesting angle.

Create a great day,


Want your own animated signature like my one but in your own name? Simply donate 2.0 STEEM. Includes graphic creation and hosting for 1 year! I will reply to one of your posts with the link when done.

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