PSA: A Friendly Reminder to Always be Cognizant of Maintaining Good OpSec

What is OpSec?

"Operations security (OPSEC) is a term originating in U.S. military jargon, as a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information." Source:

In layman's terms OpSec is keeping your sensitive info out of reach of people who may use it for malicious or nefarious purposes..

The internet is a place full of all sorts of folks from all walks of life with varying degrees of intelligence and skill. While most users seem to be intelligent enough to keep their personal data tucked away from the potential dangers one may face from unknown forces residing on the web it's come to my attention that some users may not be aware that their security and safety can potentially be threatened by sharing sensitive data.

Would You Give a Stranger Your Address?

Just as the rest of the world the net has some less than honourable people or groups that prey on folks whom leak their personal data to the world. With something as simple as posting your home phone number somewhere online it's possible for someone to get your full name, address as well as other data which could potentially used to have your possessions stolen (burglary), launch a physical attack (home invasion) or otherwise use the info to disrupt your household (send a swat team to kick down your door, order you pizza, mail you a box of feces etc etc).

Before posting things like emails and phone numbers ANY place that strangers on the net may be able to access it always ask yourself one thing:

Is This Information Safe to Share?

If you have to think about it for more than a few seconds chances are you shouldn't be posting it publicly! The safety of your household may very well rest on being aware that by sharing certain data publicly you are no longer anonymous and that your identity and location could fall into the hands of someone wishing to cause harm you you.

What NOT to Post Publicly:

  • Phone numbers (cell or landline)
  • Personal Email
  • Images of the Front of Your House
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Anything You'd Prefer Your Enemy Not Know

In this age of information we currently reside in continues to further integrate technology into our lives it's essential to remember that all it takes is posting anything listed above once online somewhere and your anonymity as well as safety are terribly compromised. Unless you like the idea of having the whole internet know where you sleep at night I urge you to always aire on the side of caution when posting info that could be used against you. Be smart and stay safe folks!

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