When Steemit forces you to increase the budget

In May of 2017 they told me about a social network where I could convert the likes of my publications in cryptocurrencies, and be able to have an extra income in my budget. At first I was not convinced of that fact, I had already worked on other pages to generate a little extra money and it had not worked for me; so I ignored it for a while and, I continued with my usual routine full of work that did not generate the necessary income for my economic sustainability.

@kiriatjrb working on Steemit

The time has come…

Curiosity led me to ask again about Steemit and investigate what it was about; I read some articles about how this platform worked, what the cryptocurrency was, and how it interacted within it.

Make the decision…

After I documented, and I heard the testimony of my husband's cousin about how he had already worked on the platform, I remember his words "start converting your likes into cryptocurrencies", so I decided to register and start producing in Steemit.


I started in good spirits. But I soon realized it was not so easy, I was were many factors I was not taken into account; the first one was that I would not grow, nor would I get a lot of likes (upvote) if I did not interact amicably with others within the platform; another factor and for my challenging, and limiting was the Internet we have at home.

The Internet that is in house is of BAM (pendrai), works with a limited quantity of Megas that, in addition does not have the speed, neither the capacity of load and download that the Internet of Broadband. I have to confess that there have been many times when I have been discouraged to continue. I have some projects in mind that I would like to develop in Steemit, but they are still in the project because with the Internet that I have, I can not work or develop the ideas I have to give my contributions to the platform.

The Bam connected to my computer

I keep making decisions...

In order to have Broadband Internet in my house I must have a fixed telephone line of CANTV (main telephone company of our country), I have a fixed pre-payment that does not allow me to have Internet. So it was time to make another decision, buy a line (I say buy it, because it was a long time ago that I had requested it and I have not been awarded it). Look for online sales pages and I did not get anything, a little frustrated, I decided to listen to the advice of my daughter, put cartels of purchase of a telephone line in places near our house, we did it. It was not long when they called my phone offering me a telephone line with Internet, and very close to my house.

Oh, but of course I had to invest a good amount of money that I did not have. Where would I get such amount of money to be able to invest in this telephone line (already here in Venezuela we were talking about millions of Bolivars for any expense or investment we would like to make). Here Steemit intervenes; my daughter and I reviewed our Steemit portfolios and between the two of us we were able to complete the purchase of the line. That's right, we bought the line; now the dilemma was the move and the installation.

The move could be achieved without the long protocol that it entails, thanks to the mother of one of my students, who works at CANTV who helped me; But the connection cost us a lot to get who did the work, we also had to pay for that service, although it would be part of the service of the company; finally we managed to contact a technician. We went back to check our purse in Steemit; it was not enough what we had between the two, we put it together and we completed it, achieving, thus, getting the money for the installation.

Nearly the end...

We already have the telephone line with Internet at home. What a joy! But we do not have the modem, nor the router for the connection to the computer. The road has been long to achieve better performance within the Steemit platform. We're almost there, almost there...

I know that having Internet Broadband will continue to have a problem, it is a situation that we are all facing here in Venezuela, but I will have access to many tools that with the current Internet (BAM) I can not reach.

Thanks for reading my article, I want share with you as has been my experience in the process of advancing the Steemit platform, and how Steemit has helped me contribute a little more in my economic budget, in these moments of crisis in my beloved Venezuela..

I'll wait you in my blog @kiriatjrb

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