Steemit - Heavyweight Punching in the Social Media Ring

Discovering that Steemit may be used as a platform to inspire, to encourage, to teach and to learn is one of the most refreshing discoveries I've made this week!

I'm not stating anything that Steemians don't already know, but it's good to be able to share one's observation. There is excitement, buzz, income potential and the abillity for those with entrepreneurial aspirations to really build their brands on what is for them, a clean slate on a platform in its infancy.

Facebook on the other hand seems to be filled with "noise", a very different tone and with many users claiming to have been 'shadow banned', there is clearly no real "buzz" rather a mediocre moan. There is of course no value attached to the content that you create, and you may even find yourself in "Facebook Jail" with your content having been removed.

I do recall an artist (portrait painter) who posted her works ( tasteful I might add), that was removed repeatedly for inappropriate content. Perhaps the ponytail of the subject or worse, the bare shoulder and clavicle of this clothed subject skipping barefoot through daisies was not only suggestive, but outside the realms of good taste!

With any term prefixed with 'Crypto', frightening off certain members of the social media community and the concept of Blockchain being far too alien for them to fathom or so they think. Steemit is still relatively new, and is just not going to appeal to or seem trustworthy to everyone. Over time, and by proving the nay sayers wrong Steemit will most likely increase the confidence of a wider sector to jump onboard.

All of that said, I don't think Facebook is going anywhere for now, but I do believe that Steemit has them paying close attention as a heavyweight contender and arch rival in the social media ring, if not now, in the near future!

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