Medicating Writer's Block Through Steemit Commenting


I'm Stuck!

Ever get stuck? Not sure what to write for your next great Steemit post? (All Steemit posts are great, as long as you put some effort in. And don't let anyone tell you any different!) We've all been there. Lucky for us, there's a way out.

Just Write!

One way that's been written about before is just to write something everyday in a notebook or on your Apple Newton or whatever the kids are using these days. Doesn't matter whether you think it's good or not, the idea is to just puke out some words and then dig through and see if maybe you hadn't swallowed some pearls or something else valuable that ended up coming out. This is a fine and dandy way to get your creative juices flowing, but let's take it up a notch.

Comments Are Your Notebook

Instead of keeping your ideas private, why not put them out there for everyone to see? I'm talking about reading posts and then making comments on them. But instead of commenting with classic winners like, "Upvoted, resteemed, and followed," or the even more classic and universally loved, "Please read and upvote my post at blah blah blah. Follow me, I follow you back." can actually make comments relevant to the post that are well thought out and add some value to it, and to the whole Steemit ecosystem.

As you write your comments, you are actually stimulating the creative glands located throughout your body, which release a hormone called scriptosterin. This powerful substance (which has been scientifically verified in multiple double-blind mice placebo controlled paleolithical experiments, no need to google it, I've done the research for you) actually forces your brain to take notice of what you write, as you write it. This in turn causes a feedback loop in which ideas for new posts come to mind as you type.

What Are You Waiting For?

But don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself! I challenge you to make a comment on this post and NOT come up with an idea for your next post. It can't be done. I mean, unless you have some medical condition that affects your scriptosterin glands. But then, your post could be about that, so...

Oh, and as an added side benefit, since this is Steemit, you might actually get some upvotes on your comments / writing practice. Imagine that! Getting paid for your notes!

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