Dear Bernie Sanders 💌


I’ve been stalking you.
Not in a bad way, but in a little crush kind of way. And I think I might be really in love with you. All of who you are, all of the example you set here online.

I mean, the way you take no bullshit from anyone online really gets me all warm and fuzzy. But sometimes, just sometimes when I read your posts my face goes like:
And I swear the world stops for a millisecond and starts turning backwards., and the stars shine a little brighter and you’re the epitome of my universe.
A sun
The brightest star among anything I’ve ever seen. Something I can only revolve around and never get to see or touch. Only be a part of the cycle. A part of life.

But also, how could I look directly at you when I’m half blinded by your radiance.

I’m so in love, that I am starting to write some horrible poetry here.

It’s disgusting, isn’t it?

But I stalk your profile every time I am online here, throughout the stalking, sitting like this:

You’re really funny and I know we haven’t met, and I’m not some creepy girl. I just think you need my love and adoration in your life. Otherwise I could just readily kill myself from rejection.

I mean without your wit my life would easily be meaningless and I find that revolting. My crush on you consumed me from my insides to my bones. And I know we haven’t talked at all, but I honestly think I can forfull your life by being a part of your life. If only for a little while...

Because, honestly? I cannot go on like this. I have been silent about my adoration for far too long, and it’s time you know that I am in love with you. And that, I want something more than just stalking from afar.

I literally cannot stop thinking about you, about someday an ‘us’ about having your babies.

Am I stupid?

But if I am, for my crush then don’t shout witch. I’m ready to slit my wrists at your rejection. ☹️

I love you
From afar

With all my love


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