Even inside the prison, about to be hanged to death, Kamande saw beauty inside her.

Have you ever been so discouraged in life that the only thing you could do was cry until there were no more tears?? Hope keeps you going.

Life can be frustrating. It's a rollercoaster affair such that tomorrow is unpredictable. Only hopeful people can outlast...

Sometimes in life, it's the unforeseen events that do the most damage, cruelly shattering the dreams we once had. This is what happened to this young lady. She was waking up to a harsh new reality.

MISS RUTH KAMANDE, 25, is a kenyan citizen. Sometime in the year 2015 she saw a text message inside her boyfriend's phone. As a result of this, she tagged her boyfriend a cheat. Out of jealousy, the next thing she did was to pick up a knife and stabbed her man 🔪 (twenty-two) 22 times. The guy died as a result of her action.

Consequently, Kamande was charged to a Kenyan High court for murder of her boyfriend Farid Mohammed. She was found guilty and was SENTENCED TO DEATH BY HANGING in 2016. Currently, she is stuck in Langata prison Kenya, waiting for her execution, waiting for the day she will die by hanging through the neck.

PASTOR JOYCE MEYER in her great book titled "NEVER GIVE UP" said "When we have hope, our outlook on life and the future is positive."

Stuck in a prison of Pain and frustration, she had only one option to make. She choosed to be positive about life. She choosed #hope for a better tomorrow, hoping that someday she'll regain her freedom.

Inside the prison, she choosed happiness instead of gloom and worry. She engaged herself in some of the activities that can give her happiness and hope for a brighter future.

Inside the prison, Kamande choosed cheerfulness and optimism instead of depression and anxiety.

One beauty about #Hope is that it gives you a new beginning. A new reason to make amends and move forward.

Hope gives you a fresh life even in the midst of pains and struggles.

Hope gives you the strength to pickup the pieces and and start a new life. A life God meant for you.

Hope leads you to a life of purpose. A purpose-driven life.

With hope, you can never be downcast. With hope, circumstances are nothing. You will always see the reason to smile again.

Hope helps you let go of the past.

With hope, your future is assured.

Hope rules!

With hope, you are unbeatable!

In 2016, Langata Prison decided to organize a beauty contest for the inmates to showcase their talents and skills. RUTH KAMANDE enrolled as one of the contestants for the beauty queen. That is, the most beautiful girl in Langata prison Kenya.

This contest attracted many top government officials & prominent personalities in Kenya, including the Chief Justice of Kenya.

At the end of the contest, Miss Kamande won and was crowned with the most beautiful girl in Langata prison. A dream which she had longed for.

At the last picture, you will see a lady with red top and on natural hair, shaking Kamande. She is the Chief Justice of Kenya.

Despite her condition & challenges, Kamande still choosed to pursue her dreams, even when it's obvious in the eyes of the law that she's gonna be hanged to death someday.

Hope kept her going. She believed that someday she's gonna be granted pardon. She has let her past be the past to enable her move forward.

I know that the offence she committed is unpardonable in the eyes of the law, having murdered her boyfriend. But the truth is, in God's eyes, every sin is pardonable.

I am not justifying her actions. I was only marvelled by the quality of trait she possessed. Deep inside her lies #WinningTraits of champions.

Hope is a never give up strategy. It is a tool for the winners. Champions who win knows more about the power of hope.

When you believe in your future, life challenges become a stepping stone for you to see where you are going. Ruth Kamande knows more about this strategy.

I am aware that apostle Paul of the Bible was a murderer. Before his conversion on his way to Damascus, when he was answering Saul, his mission was to kill Christians. He used to slaughter anyone who believed in God.

In fact, when Stephen was stoned to death, Acts 7:58 recorded that Paul stood by as Stephen was stoned, even holding the coats of the men who stoned him.

God later choosed Paul to win souls for Him. Such is life.

Hope keeps us from worrying, empowers us to stay at peace, and enables us to believe the best about the days to come.

People with hope are happy, optimistic, and full of strength and courage.

What are you passing through?? Is life frustrating you?? Are you downcast?? #Hope can keep you pushing.

Roman Orator Cicero said, "While there's life, there's hope. "

May we always follow the path of light.


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